Oct 05, 2006 16:43
So last night was the first night of waterpolo practice, which made me crazy sore, got me hit in the nose with someone's head (it only bled a little) and made my hip keep seeming to kind of pop out of place and need to be popped back in. But, besides all that (since that was the good part) there was also the bit where at the meeting before practice I find out that:
a) we will only be having Sunday and Wed. practices, kind of good kind of bad, don't have to eat dinner at school two days, but will either be late to Sun. practice or have to skip out of church early all quarter.
b) have tournaments scheduled (that we are hosting in Tacoma, which makes it less bad) Nov. 11-12, and Dec. 2-3. Both of these weekends, I was planning on visiting my Grandma in Tacoma, which at first sounds great, cept I know it stresses her out when I come to visit but have to leave all the time. Also the first of those my dad will be here, which will probably work out well, but the second was when Ben has hockey games vs. UPS and I was going to come watch and hang out. So if things work out well we will end up with less hanging out, but he might get to see me play waterpolo. If things work out badly we will not be able to see each other at all.
c) dues are $115 this year, and no monthly option, and so no discount for paying all at once.
d) we will be doing parking for fundraising again, which is the most boring way to make money, but pretty easy as far as fundraising goes.
I guess that's all, mostly b is stressing me out (in case you couldn't tell) and I just needed to vent a little here since I'm pretty sure I won't know the tournament schedule until the week of, and Ben's hockey games don't have times up yet, and I am just stressing a bit much with the fact that I don't know any details yet and so can't try to plan out how to make things work.
But, anyways, it's about time for me to head to swimming, I just needed to whine. I apologize to anyone who read this far.