"Don't Step In The Eldritch Puke." [Greed]

Jul 10, 2008 21:10

The creature known as The Feaster From Afar took out most of the doorframe as it crashed its way out of the Gluttony Dining Hall, thundering after Sophia and Will and Harley, part of a porcine waiter's leg still hanging from its mouth ( Read more... )

bestmedicine, hairatenyc, 4_20_100, !greed

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hairatenyc July 11 2008, 02:38:11 UTC
After a time, there is yelling, and gunfire, from -- somewhere fairly far away, actually, but getting closer.

"Finders keepers, motherfuckers!"


Sophia (toting a backpack and a purseful of looted goods) really doesn't handle that shotgun very well -- the recoil has sent her tumbling more than once -- but she found it, it's hers, and she's going to use it!

The pursuing horde down to just a couple of zombies by the time they get into eyeshot of Hastur, and she laughs as she tries to brain one with the barrel of the empty gun.


bestmedicine July 11 2008, 02:44:23 UTC
"Sophia, babe, you're a natural. Now all we need is a chainsaw and a very steady hand." What? It matches the BOOMSTICK and general ambiance and that's what's really important when fighting hordes of the undead(ish).

Will has managed to find himself a nice axe and while it lacks the range of a gun, it does colour co-ordinate (red and green, all the way) and it's a little more personal. :D


4_20_100 July 11 2008, 02:58:19 UTC
He can hear voices and weapons fire.

Great. He's still in this wretched hellhole. Hastur forces his eyes open and then rolls over onto his back to actually get a look at what's going on. Ordinarily, he'd be comforted by the sight of all this gold and saffron and yellow, but right now it just reminds him that he's in yet another colour-co-ordinated level of that wretched purple idiot's game.

He watches a gold frog hop by. Then several more, bouncing and hopping over him in a herd. He blinks curiously.

Is the shouting coming closer?


hairatenyc July 11 2008, 03:21:55 UTC
It is! Sophia whoops with (a rather unsettling amount of) glee as the zombie's head caves in, and it topples.


She's still laughing as she runs backward, and trips quite grandly over Hastur.

SquelcAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! is the noise, by the way, that an Osborn makes when they fall in a puddle of eldritch vomit.


bestmedicine July 11 2008, 03:24:03 UTC
She'd better not be expecting Will to help her back up again. There are many, many things he'll do, but getting anyway near vomit from beyond the stars is not one of them.

"You need to relax into the recoil, let it move with your hips." Oh, lovely. Will is, ah, 'demonstrating'.


4_20_100 July 11 2008, 04:00:36 UTC
Hastur is well and truly tripped over.

"... Ow."

He sits up blearily, even more tattered, bedraggled, and bloodstained than he was when they saw him last, and a bit green, too. It's ... not quite a green that matches well with all the yellow. That's the only way one can tell him apart from his surroundings--his green gills and the blood on his robes and in his hair.

He gives Will a look usually reserved for one beholding the mind-numbing shenanigans of publicly intoxicated starlets. "I came round for this?"


hairatenyc July 11 2008, 04:18:27 UTC
Sophia flails -- on top of him, beside him -- as she tries to paw the bile out of her hair. "Oh my God oh my GOD! You PUKED ON ME!!" She shoves Hastur's shoulder, spitefully.

Nevermind the blood and the zombieguts. It's the puke that gets her.


bestmedicine July 11 2008, 04:28:05 UTC
Will moves a little closer, axe slung over one shoulder and looking like the bastard offspring of Satan and Paul Bunyan. Maybe he should toe-kick at Hastur's shoulder, just to see if he's still moving. "Up and at 'em."


4_20_100 July 11 2008, 04:35:47 UTC
"I what? What are you ta--" he breaks off. Oh. He did yark up a sizeable puddle, didn't he? He meh-faces. "Not on you, you weren't here at the time. You ... fell in it--look, I'm sorry, all right? And stop poking me, I'm awake," he finishes, glaring at Will. Honestly, who do these people think they are, poking and beating on Hastur the Unspea... oh, fergeddit.

He scoots himself away from Sophia and drags himself to his feet. Maybe not a good idea. He sways dizzily before regaining his balance.

Then he eyes them. They sure did resupply in a hurry. "What'd you two do, loot a mall?"


hairatenyc July 11 2008, 04:41:06 UTC
Sophia, meanwhile, is going to spend a flaily few more moments trying to squeeze out her hair, before realising the disadvantage this puts her at. Up she goes, snatching the shotgun up as she stands.

"There's a bunch of broken-into shops back there." She points vaguely in the right direction. "You can go get some stuff for yourself if you want. This is mine." She clutches the gun possessively, as she fumbles with more shells.


bestmedicine July 11 2008, 04:47:37 UTC
"You are so cute, button." The gun may be hers, but she's his. All the way. "I'm sure there's a mall around here, but I've seen enough horror movies to know what happens when you go in there. At first there's the sporting goods store and then you're a gag death in the ladies bathroom."

One moment, there's a little, yappy dog coming and it really needs to get punted over the 40 yard line. "Never trust a dog you can fit into a microwave."


4_20_100 July 11 2008, 04:59:25 UTC
Hastur regards the both of them ... well, blearily. "Have they got antinauseants? And what'd you do? Smear yourself with bacon? You're attracting rat-dogs."

Material objects never really held much importance for the Eldritch. He disregards both Sophia's and Will's possessions for the time being and starts to slope off in the direction of said shops. "Me for a shower and a bicarbonate of soda," he moans.

He doesn't stay bleary for long, though, as something skeletal and wearing far too much makeup for its own zombified condition comes his way, overlong claws on its beringed hands bared, hissing through pointed teeth behind its red-painted lips. Its fur coat moves lumpily over its bony frame.

"Oh, fhtagn." He sends it flying with a concussive blast that also leaves him reeling. Not a good thing, as a few more zombies are behind it.


hairatenyc July 11 2008, 05:05:29 UTC
"Incoming!" Sophia yells, perhaps quite unnecessarily, as she takes aim with the shotgun -- fires -- and almost stumbles again from the recoil.

But it manages to wing the zombie's shoulder, separating it from its arm and most of its ribcage and sending the rest of it flying backward. It gives a yowl of rage as it tries to right itself, possibly more at the damage done to the coat than the damage done to its body.


bestmedicine July 11 2008, 05:10:07 UTC
It's surprising just how much force a gent like Will can put into a swing with an axe. Smacking into one, tends to bowl over any behind it. Provided the weapon doesn't get stuck in the ribcage and force him to push off with a foot to the sternum.

"Let's leave Mean Mr. Mustard with his skinny new friends."


4_20_100 July 11 2008, 05:18:33 UTC
"Oh, no you... don't...." Hastur wheezes, dodging zombie claws and nearly falling over. "I ... need backup. Even if it's ... a garish, green ... badly-dyed ... oh, forget it...." He manages to kick over a zombie with some pretty yellow light to go with said blow. "I'm not giving that ... pathetic puce pesterment the ... pleasure of my dying now."


hairatenyc July 11 2008, 05:38:12 UTC
"Then prove you can make yourself useful, blondie. We don't need dead weight taking up our resources."


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