Superbia (or maybe Hubris?) [Pride]

Jul 14, 2008 11:39

Luc gets to the all-porphyry gates ahead of his companions. He doesn't want to go back for them because his control would be chipped at more, and it's best not to break some civilian's bones or something.

So as he stands in the courtyard and waits for them to catch up, he'll look around the place with thorough professionalism, eventually ( Read more... )

aureliaofarista, im2sexy4mysnark, just_the_game, !pride, ai_id, lightsthenight

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lightsthenight July 14 2008, 19:21:59 UTC
"Looks like we're finally getting somewhere." Siri comments wryly, shifting back to human form with a little smirk.

Let's just pretend none of that ever happened, shall we?


ai_id July 14 2008, 19:52:04 UTC
Ziggy will be happy to go with that. After he finishes leaning against one porphyry wall, retching and trying to pull himself together. Rather literally.

The transitions between levels, when he hazes out and switches to another form, have been getting progressively longer and more painful and disorienting. But this one took only a fraction of a second-no longer than his normal form-shifts. Never mind that the wrenching pain crammed into that half-second was greater than that of any of the other switches so far.

Instead of sparking and wavering around the edges, now he's just the barest bit transparent and no longer throws a shadow.

At least he's back to the form he's most familiar with. It's the little things that count even after six days of crazy.


notof221b July 14 2008, 19:55:44 UTC
Holmes snorted in disgust at the structure, hideous and lacking in the prestige of the numerous palaces and castles back in England.

"No doubt it is were our puce 'friend' is hiding in." Holmes remarked almost haughtily as he took out the knife that Jeff gave him.

"Shall we start by heaping onto him some indignities of our own invention?" The young man asked as he took to the wooden door, and stabbed into it - long, deep strokes, forming two letters.

VR - Victoria Regina. A genuine grin appeared on the tall youth's face as he finished defacing the door.


im2sexy4mysnark July 14 2008, 22:52:46 UTC
"This is what you call a prideful place?" Altalita scoffs a bit as she zips up the hazmat suit and enters the area. She readjusts her hair and makes a small, frustrated sound, "I suppose we'll have to find our way through this lovely hell as well." She says, with some annoyance.

Fun fact: Pride is one of Altalita's sins.


just_the_game July 14 2008, 22:57:39 UTC
Dominik almost sighs as the urgency finally leaves him when they move between levels. Dominik is more than glad to pretend none of that happened. He won't even look at 'Lita.

He glances at Ziggy, with a look of concern. What the hell is this guy?

He looks up at the castle and snorts. Nice place. Really. "I guess we should get started then..."

Fun fact: Pride is one of Dominik's sins too.


aureliaofarista July 14 2008, 23:12:52 UTC
Pretend what didn't happen, ma'am?

Luc laughs cheerfully at Holmes's graffiti. "Great idea." But he doesn't carve H I into anything.

"There's a hidden entrance behind these flowers. Looks like it's going to be a long search."

Is it really a sin to be such a consummate professional? And patriotic? And extremely vain?


lightsthenight July 14 2008, 23:18:23 UTC
Siri pulls out a knife of her own, sketching a possible familiar constellation of a hunter into the wall with a little grin. "Well, no reason not to enjoy it."


notof221b July 14 2008, 23:40:08 UTC
"It might be a trap, no doubt he saved the worst for last. But if we had made it this far," He flicked the knife closed. "We will make it through this." He examined the region they stood in for hidden doors besides the one that Luc spotted. Once finding that there is no more, he carefully tapped on it with a stick he picked off the ground. No traps, good.

"I am certain anything too gaudy would be a trap for the foolish," The young man knew he was observant, knew he was very intelligent. Much smarter then that purple cretin would give him credit for.


ai_id July 14 2008, 23:43:02 UTC
"Oh, for God's sake, why don't you all just pee on the damned door, really drive your point home," Ziggy snaps, as he pushes himself away from the wall and stands upright. Oh, fun, he can see through himself, that's just a great sign. (On the plus side, he has a full suit of clothes again. Hoorah, benefits of shapeshifting!)

"I have a few things to say to that goddamned purple bastard, and I don't think I've got much time left. I'm not wasting it screwing around here playing stupid human kids' games and poking things with sticks. Come on." With a jerk of his head for the others to follow, he stalks over to the hidden entrance Luc's pointed out, yanks the gate open, and heads down into the dark.

Could be Pride's getting to Ziggy, too.


im2sexy4mysnark July 14 2008, 23:47:14 UTC
"Human?" She glares at Ziggy, "I'll have you know little program, I'm far more than any human could ever hope to be."

Cue a dramatic-esque wind about now for a moment, and a glare of blue eyes that pierce to the very soul of a being, "You want to die, little one? Go right ahead. I," Yes, I, not we, "Don't need you around here anyway." Altalita makes shooing motions.


just_the_game July 15 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
Dominik snorts derisively. What makes you so much better than humans, 'Lita? Whatever you are.

"This is ridiculous. If you're all quite done having childish arguments, I'd say we should get going." He starts off after Ziggy, shaking his head.


aureliaofarista July 15 2008, 00:09:22 UTC
Luc had no particular interest in either departing party, but he does want to head out soon. "A terrible loss, to be sure."

But he'll take a moment for a last look around, and an adjustment of his suit. And steps over to the entrance. "Ladies? Sir?" Very professional manners, as always.


lightsthenight July 15 2008, 00:13:45 UTC
Siri sighs. They had been doing so well, too. She heads over to the entrance, casually examining her nails. "Of course."


notof221b July 15 2008, 00:21:46 UTC
"Fine, I was merely checking for traps." He retorted as Ziggy and the new man made their own separate ways. "Come on, we should hurry." Holmes placed his coat back over his body.

He followed Luc inside, and had wished he brought a lantern with him to the party in case they had to crawl through dark passageways.


im2sexy4mysnark July 15 2008, 00:22:58 UTC
Altalita, also, followed Luc's lead, making a small, irritated sound at Dominik leaving as well. Fine! Leave! See if she cares about you idiots.


aureliaofarista July 15 2008, 00:33:58 UTC
Well, they can't say much for the smell. Trudging through the sewers is rarely fun. But at least it's mostly uneventful.

Eventually, they come near the spiral staircase and the door with the sign. Luc's still in front, just a little ahead of the others by this point.

He reads the sign. Potions. There were potions in there. About which he was...not well-informed. It really seems like something that needs to be investigated. And he mutters a prayer.
"Asasarame-Pallas-Athene-Minerva, I want to press any advantages I can have, but You know I barely paid attention in my one Basic Alchemy lesson. I'm going to try anyway, so I ask your help."

And he looks back, and there's Holmes. Who explained the stains on his hands as chemistry experiments. "Thank You, Lady."

"This seems interesting." He indicates the door. "I recognize that name. Normally supposed to be an informative person."


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