But all will be forgiven if he can make of them the means to achieve great ends. [PRIDE]

Jul 14, 2008 02:54

As you enter his classroom, Snape stands. Stalking past the work tables, chairs and potion-making supplies, he hovers uncomfortably close to his visitors, seeming somehow even taller and more vulture-faced than usual.

"You are late," he says in his deep, disdainful voice. No recognition whatsoever flashes in his eyes as he regards those who may once have been his colleagues or even friends.

"As touching as it is that you wish to prolong the hours you spend studying with me, I'm afraid I must dock points for tardiness. Here is your book." It's an extremely old and battered copy of Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage that has had something spilled on it long ago. It looks like it should be in a museum. Or a bin.

"Sit. Work. Inform me when you are finished, or if you've managed to make something that begins eating through your cauldron. I would caution you against cheating, but the potion itself will ensure that only someone with actual skill," Snape sneers as if all your intelligence and resourcefulness you've shown thus far doesn't mean a whit to him, "will be able to succeed here."

And then, with no further comment or explanation, he leaves you.

The instructions on the blackboard tell you to go to page 478. Perhaps it is luck, but the book falls open immediately to the appropriate recipe. Well, no not luck. It seems there was a strip of parchment wedged in there. Interesting.

Well, you'd better get to work. You can feel Snape's lightless eyes boring into you.

((Please respond with IC questions here, and OOC questions in the OOC post, here. In order to complete the potion, please write down, step by step, exactly what your character does, and finish by calling Snape over. You will move on to the rest of the level, but if your potion is a success - and this is purposefully tricksy - you will leave with your pocket one small ampule heavier.

If your character makes the potion correctly, as the last ingredient is added, it will appear to turn into shimmering, living gold, and will seem to boil on its own so energetically that little droplets leap from its surface. Feel free, if you choose, to have the potion turn out incorrectly on purpose and narrate some sort of terrible and amusing effect that occurs. This is magic, so get wacky, but remember that this is not a room that is going to result in character "death".))

just_the_game, !pride, notof221b, ai_id, slytherin_spy

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