if someone would only ask....

Jan 08, 2007 23:07

"Not looking for a date, rather.. putting an observation out there

Like you the reader... I am a single person.... yet you are probably a woman while I am a man.

I live my life, love my job, hold things sacred in life... and it all seems fairly normal to me. Obviously, another aspect of my life is seeking a compatible woman to spend time with/ share my life with.
In my search... I have found something that, to be perfectly honest, makes my skin crawl and my stomach turn.

Lack Luster!!!

I meet all sorts of women (at the gym, through work, out and about, etc) and the one common theme amongst all of them is BORING!!!
I ask someone Im getting to know something as simple as "What do you do in your spare time" and the typical response is...
"I hang out with friends, go to a movie, stuff like that"
I ask someone Im getting to know something as simple as “What are you passionate about in life" and the typical response is "I dunno".

I must assume it has to be the same for any woman asking this of men, but Im not looking to date a man so I could care less about other dudes.

When did women become so damned boring and lack luster? When did women stop having dreams and goals and desires and the fire in their belly that drives them to obtaining such things? When did women stop having a passion for having their own thoughts and ideas and opinions?

Ok... go ahead!!! Ask me!!! [Me speaking from your vantage point] "Ok Mr. smarty pants... what’s so damned exciting in your life?"

Shall I present my list as an Excel File? Power Point Presentation? Dissertation? How would you like it?

My favorite irony is being downed by women for having all the passions and interests that I have because they lack even having one real one.

If you are NOT one of the women I am referring to... I would LOVE to hear from you. I crave being bored by your on-going list of things you like, love and have passion for in life. I would love to not be able to get a word in edgewise because you have so much to say and have so many things rolling around in your head.

SOMEONE PLEASE SAVE ME and restore my faith that not everyone is a sheeple or lemming."


also not looking for a date, just observing what's being put out there.

if someone were to ask me what i do in my free time i would start with how i love to rush home from work so that i can get on my beach cruiser and get down to the sand before the sun is finished setting. i would tell them how i would ride for miles without noticing where i had made it to and that when i feel my feet in the sand with the sounds of waves crashing around me, i feel completely at peace. i'd tell them how much i appreciate a good book...one that has me laughing, gasping, maybe even crying. and how i often block out the world to get my own words on page.

i would tell them about my jewelry making business that went nowhere, but as a hobby lives on. and how i love to do home projects, how much i love plants, and that when it rains i like to sleep with my window open so that i can hear it fall.

i'd tell them about the year i spent teaching and my love for the classroom and my students. i'd tell them stories about the people i now work with daily and have them laughing on the floor one minute and crying behind their sunglasses the next.

besides what i do for a living -- my passions in life involve observation, understanding, and forever learning new things. above all, i thrive on nights that i go to bed wishing that the present day would never end, knowing that tomorrow will be even better....


"descriptive, personal, and understated. you are definitly one to watch."
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