Hussein">http://www.stop-obama.org/?p=522">Hussein. The Fear Bomb. Your Freedoms, and Your White Guilt
I found this interesting article that explains the dynamics of the Obama phenomenon. I don't agree with everything she wrote, particularly her ideas on what is going on with gay issues. Here are a few interesting excerpts.
Obama’s ascent rests on White America’s Guilt Ridden identity, a Guilt reaching into all forms of speech and action deemed racist or insulting forming part of a totalitarian race regime mostly enforced against Whites, but to which we are all increasingly hostage. White Guilt is the work of Whites themselves, but its leading exponents are Blacks, while the flames are fanned by a general culture of Victimhood increasingly marketed to to all segments of American society.
Mr. Obama knows all of this, and much more. From early childhood, he remarked that American Whites are exceptionally deferential to Blacks who act clean and don’t raise their voice. Obama learned it the moment he sensed the utility of becoming a victim to his own painful lack of belonging.
Obama didn’t belong. His wayward mother Ann, abandoned him at age ten, and her eccentricities weren’t exactly appreciated by Obama’s guardians, Ann’s parents. This meant Obama didn’t hear much good about her. A missing father, didn’t help.
Obama had no parental figure with which to identify, and as is so often the case, his sense of pain could only be redressed by joinining a group which could provide him with an identity to explain this pain. He became Black. In doing so, he explained his suffering not by ascribing it to negligent and irresponsible parents, but by ascribing it to White America upon which his Black identity permitted him to project stereotypes that explained his pain. So much is clear from his
Dreams From My Father. As Obama’s membership in the Black community progressed, he reinterpreted his past through the lens of Black victimhood. At its peak he ascribed his mother’s fascination with his Kenyan father, to Racial Voyeurism. He then went on to join Trinity, whose Racist Pastor could provide Obama with steady stream of victim ideology for the duration of his life. Obama chose to marry a woman whose preoccupation in Princeton was the impossibility of Black success in White America, and the rest is history. When his own daughter complained about “Obama Girl” he didn’t so much as raise an objection to the blatantly insulting bimbo-bitch slobbering over posters of his children’s father. Black enough for White Guilt, more than black on Sexism.
Obama’s upbringing, like that of his race-obsessed Wife, had little to do with Racism in America, and him being its Victim. He grew up in the 1 percentile with exceptional social status and material comfort, and went to a private high-school. He received loving attention from grand-parents who made it possible he could go on to Americas best universities. Obama could care less. The pain, one imagines, already secondary to the ambitious anticipation of Power.
Already in his teens, Obama describes a life in which he would identify not with privilege, and the mainstream White society which bestowed it upon him, but with victimhood and the minority culture which would come to thrive on it. As Obama matured, he went on to learn that while appearing “clean” and soft-spoken didn’t translate into preferential treatment in the case of his mother, it could work wonders in Mainstream Society.
Looking to
rule the world, from an early age, he embraced Black Victimhood and has been milking it for all it is worth ever since. As Racism is no longer what it used to be in America, the Victimhood ideology Obama propounds, can only preserve itself by perpetuating illusory oppression. It must metastasize into all nooks and crannies of American life. It must go from Jim Crow and Lynching -legitimate causes for agitation- to “Lyndon B. Johnson” by Hillary Clinton, and mention of “Geraldine Ferraro” in the same phrase as Jeremiah Wright - illegitimate forms of political extortion.
As this Victimhood increases its discursive presence, political leverage grows to the point where it can become an essential tool of political strategy. Fake victims just need to be more aggressive in their name-calling, than real victims. That way they can achieve unprecedented degrees of stigmatization and marginalization of their opposition.
The words “racist,” “prejudiced,” “bigot” and “discriminatory,” along with a glossary of related terms and concepts -no longer relevant to American life- are being Resurrected in a setting in which they’ve become the keys to a Political Heaven. As they come to represent political power in America, they downright trivialize the importance of merit, experience and work credentials