I remember being heavily annoyed by articles that brought up what-if questions in my high school history classes. What was the point, I thought. It was history. It had happened and there was no changing it. But I was missing a crucial point, then: that by looking at different branches and seeing where they did lead and where others might have led, we can avoid making mistakes in similar events in the future. And that's important.
That's not quite how it works with what-if's in a person's life. We only have one, after all. It's not as if we're reborn again in exactly the same way (no matter what beliefs you have) and we do not get do overs. But still, thinking about what-if's is at least good for wasting time.
When we emigrated from Russia, it's not like the United States was the only choice we had. From what my mom's told me, they were considering a wide spectrum: United States, Canada, Australia, Israel. Israel was ruled out because they didn't want me to have to serve in the military (some other aspects, too). Canada is surprisingly difficult to get into, and I think the problem was that it was expensive. Australia, I think, was the same; I forgot what the reasoning was. I'm sure the job market played a part in it for my parents too, although I think they're so brilliant that they would've been able to find something anywhere they went. So they decided on the United States, where we already had some family to help us out, plus the refugee act for Russian Jews.
I could've been Canadian, Australian, Israeli.
It's kind of fun to think about.
Things that make me happy right now:
* Aiba as a Green Lantern. I mean, he's green already. Being all space cop! Kicking ass and taking names! And trying to hide it from Arashi but of course they find out eventually but they're like a weird mix of horrified and impressed because, "Masaki, stop making green boobs in the air with your magic shiny ring!" "No, keep it up, actually." エロ。
* That's about it. :| I am so busy and I want to get busier. I keep applying for jobs but no one is hiring me.
Also the recent changes to Delicious are making me want to claw my face off. Y U KEEP EXCHANGING FUNCTIONALITY FOR 'COOL.'
Hugs to