I am completely blocked on the writing front. GUYS, PLEASE HELP. What would you suggest? Halp!
Aiba's fluffy hair!
Aiba's fluffy hair v. 2!
Nino pulling glasses off and making a dumb face.
Ohmiya making cute faces at each other. ♥
Jun's cute, stripey-socked feet are dying.
Like usual, a member of Arashi dying due to Aiba's cooking experiments. ♥
Upon reading
this quote by Franz Kafka I thought, man, that's pretty depressing. But it's not much of a surprise - the man was depressed and socially anxious throughout his life, and many of his stories reflect that by the narrator being a helpless observer of the terrible things around him. I like reading Kafka, but I don't see the 'joy' some critics have tried to interpet as existing in his works. Who knows.
A lot of Kafka's issues came from being terminally afraid of his father (but apparently, who wasn't?). Anyway, for some reason, I thought: Is it that great men are created by their terrible fathers, or is it that terrible fathers are so terrible that (by way of seeking to try and escape depression and insanity), their sons become great men? (And by great men: Kafka, Michael Jackson, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler. Not because all of their actions were great, but because all of them ended up doing historically notable things.)
...but it's a totally dumb, ridiculously unanswerable question. There are a lot of great men who were mentally sound and not shaped up by bad parental relations. In any case, every individual's situation is relative...
GOOD RAINBOW GOD, I need to get back to Arashi fic.