May 06, 2005 08:48
sitting in the passanger seat, in our spot hidden from strangers, i can see the red and blue lights of the cops huvering over and accident and it happend again, why and how, was it you? was it me? Sometimes i just have these moments. I dont know whats wrong with me. I just feel weird and i want to be close to you but i just feel really scared to and I wanted to say that i loved you but i could barley breathe let alone form comprehendable sentences. I wanted to touch you but i was afraid you would pull away and when you said that you loved me it felt like you stabbed me in the heart, which is not how its supposed to feel its supposed to be "happy" yet it just scared me. Maybe it was all the talking about marrage, I know you were just jokeing but a part of me it really scared and a part of me really was hoping it would happen as weird and as freaky as that sound i wanted to run away and run into your arms all at the same time. I couldent see (glasses on the dashboard) and it made it eaiser to look at your face because i didnt want to see the hurt i was causeing and couldent stop. You ask me whats wrong, i dont know whats wrong. You ask me why I act like this, I dont know what i act like this. My brain tells my body to move, my heart tells it be still. My brain tells my mouth to speak, my heart tell it be silent. Or is it the other way around, do I think to much or not at all?
When will this end, im just waiting for you to hurt me, is that wrong? Will you never leave? You cant be so decieved to think we will spend our entire lives together, but will you leave me or will i leave you? I know you shall leave me, i can tell these things, im just waiting for it to happen.
This is what i was thinking sitting in our spot after work, you think i dont like you, but i like you to much. I cant get close to you just so you can leave, youll leave like my mom's youll leave like my dad's youll leave like my sister, if i could leave myself i would, no one stays with me, i dont expect you to... im just waiting for my heart to be still...