Dec 02, 2005 06:26
I got a new cat. He's a kitten. I got him when he was about 4 weeks old. He was stripped from his mother all too soon. He was malnutritioned, and his poor little bones stuck out everywhere. When I brought him home, he just kinda lobbed around for a little bit. Didn't really do much. But he finally started eating, and now he's growing like a weed! He's so cute and funny... Cory says he climbs up the Christmas Tree, gets about half way up, and free falls all the way down! We took him to my parents house last night (I carry the poor thing around like he's a dog) and my dad was getting the best of the little guy! We decided when we got him that we would name him Sparty. I had to beg to bring him home, so the least I could do was let Cory name him. So, naturally, being a Michigan State fan, Sparty came out of it!
My work Christmas party is next weekend. And the bad part is... I don't really want to go. I was excited about it at first, but now it's just not exciting anymore. I don't like working there. That's probably where that comes from. Everyone there is in their own little click. Each department, ranging from us Low Down dirty Tellers, up to the President and his croney's. They look at everyone when they walk in like they're scum of the earth, because they didn't go out and buy a brand new 200.00 dress suit for a 3 hour occasion. I'm going to consider highly if I am going or not. I'm just not so sure at this time.
Well, that's my rant for the day. I am going into work a little later than planned, so I figured I'd sit and write a few things down. BYE!