i'll try anything once (harry potter)

Sep 24, 2011 01:39

i'll try anything once
harry potter They have an odd friendship where they sort of act like the animosity between them at school didn’t exist, but it’s the elephant in the room and they gloss over it but remember that it’s there. (harry potter/draco malfoy, 685 words)
notes: for tabitha666’s prompt: Harry accidentally admits to Draco that he fancied him in 6th year. There may or may not be another variation on this prompt on it's way soon because lol I love it that much.


that's not just friendship that's romance too


After the war, they became friends because it felt like the right thing to do.

It started like this - Harry returned Draco’s wand at Malfoy Manor and told him to give his regards to Narcissa.

Draco invited him in for tea.

The rest, as they say, is history.


They have an odd friendship where they sort of act like the animosity between them at school didn’t exist, but it’s the elephant in the room and they gloss over it but remember that it’s there. They sometimes mention it (“remember that time I Hexed you so badly on the train you looked more like a slug than a human?” and “remember that time I stomped on your face and broke your nose?”) but mostly it’s just easier to not acknowledge it.

If Ron and Hermione find it odd, they don’t say so.


(Pansy says, “Why are you hanging around with Potter?” and Blaise just shakes his head and makes a tsk noise. Draco just shrugs because honestly? He doesn’t really know either.)


Draco makes potions for St. Mungo’s and Harry is an Auror and Draco is the only person that asks Harry why he bothered becoming an Auror. He says, “Aren’t you tired of fighting?”

Harry just says, “I’m fighting the good fight. I like to think I’m making a difference.”

And instead of making a crack about Harry Potter: The Boy With the Biggest Hero Complex in the World and Probably History, Draco says, “Potter, you’ve already made a difference.”

Harry just smiles.

Despite himself, Draco smiles back and a shared smile means the beginning of a friendship, doesn’t it?


Harry owns a television set because he feels he never got to enjoy it when he lived with the Dursleys and he invites Draco over because Draco’s never even seen a television, let alone watched a film before, so Harry lets him pick one from a warn cardboard box that he’d bought on impulse once and they settle on Peter Pan because the battered back champions it as a magical adventure.

Draco complains loudly that real mermaids don’t look like the beautiful cartoons in the film and Harry just snorts and says, “it’s a film, it’s all about suspending belief” and they’ve been drinking, so Draco leans over and presses his lips to Harry’s and Harry kisses him back and it makes sense to them.

(They do not speak of it later, it’s another elephant in the room, except they don’t even gloss over it. They pretend it never happened.

If you ignore it, it will go away, it will have never happened.)


An assignment gone wrong and Harry winds up in St. Mungo’s with spinal trauma and magical burns all over his chest and back.

Draco visits him because that’s what friends do, and he moves the vase of moondew flowers from Cho Chang so he can get a better look at Harry’s face. After a few minutes of them just staring at each other, Draco says, “I think you have a death wish, Potter.”

Harry pauses and he nods and says, “You’re probably right” and another smile is shared.

Draco uncorks a potion and hands it to him. “Drink up,” he orders and Harry does.


Draco stays by Harry’s bedside far past visiting hours (“because I’m a Malfoy,” he tells Harry like it’s terribly important, “And we follow our own set of rules” and Harry really cannot disagree with him there) and they talk late into the night about trivial things and Harry is so very tired and a little drunk because Draco brought a flask of whiskey and he says in a soft, sleepy voice, “do you remember sixth year?”

A muscle in Draco’s jaw twitches and he says tightly, “how could I forget?”

Harry yawns. “I was kind of obsessed with you,” he admits. “In fact, I think I rather fancied you.” He opens one brilliant green eye and snorts. “Isn’t that funny?”

Draco just leans forward and brushes some of the hair from Harry’s eyes and kisses him on the mouth again - slow and gentle and he says, “not at all.”


pair: harry potter/draco malfoy, character: harry potter, fic: harry potter, character: draco malfoy

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