Just One Call

Jun 10, 2010 22:34

Title: Just One Call
Author: Flow
Pairing: Yunho x Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The plot is mine, but the characters aren't mine
Summary: One special day, One phone call, One love
Author's Note: I write this in a hurry, so I'm sorry if this one isn't that good. I just suddenly want to write something for Yunjae anniversary.
Warning: Unbeta-ed. Possibility of grammar mistake and error on spelling.
Length: Oneshot


"Hyung, don't you want to call him?" Changmin asked carefully. He knows that today supposed to be his hyung special day. A moment where they should cherish each other. Not to sit on a different house.

"Nuh-huh." Yunho keep reading the newspaper. Not bothering to look at his dongsaeng "You know we're not supposed to call each other Min. I'll stick with the rules."

Changmin couldn't help but sighed at his hyung "I know you want to call him, hyung. Stop being so obidient, and for once, just do what your heart told you to do."

Yunho flinched at Changmin's word. How could a statement of a younger boy feel so right on his ears?

Changmin's right. How he really wanted to call Jaejoong. How he miss his voice. He could bear with it most of the time, but today is different. It's a special day. He just can't ignore the feeling inside his heart. Something feels incomplete. How he wished he could just go running to Jaejoong tight at this time, and pulling him into a big tight hug until he felt air running out from his lungs.

But he know he can't. He just... can't.

"Hyung" Changmin call him, putting a cell phone on the coffe table infront of Yunho "I borrowed it from one of our dancer. He's a fanboy, really. He just gave it to me when I said you want to cal Jae hyung."

"So? Call him if you want to call him."

Changmin sit on the love seat across Yunho. He massage the bridge of his nose. "Not me hyung. But you. I know they tracked our phone so we can't call them freely. So now I borrowed this phone for you to call him."

Yunho still doing nothing but staring at the phone on the table "Changmin, I don't think it was a good idea."

"No hyung, it's a really good idea. Call him, hyung."

Still no response from Yunho "arggghhhh!!!" Changmin pulled his hair in frustration. He pick the phone that he put on the table, he flipped it open then shove it to Yunho's hand. "Call.Him. Now or never."

* * * * *

"Jaejoong hyung?"


"You're borring a hole to your phone if you keep staring at it like that." Yoochun said, taking a pity to the phone.

"I'm not." Jaejoong pouted and the put his cellphone to his pocket.

"You could just call him, hyung. Staring at the phone won't make it dialled itself."

"I'm not going to call anyone, okay? Now if you excuse me, I want to cook for dinner."

Jaejoong isn't laying when he said he's not going to call anyone. He wait. Wait for someone to call him. But he know that call won't come no matter how long he wait for it. That's just typical Yunho.

"That. Damn. Obidient. Thing." He said while chopping the onion.

Tears started to come out from his eyes. It's not from the onion though. How he really hope it was from the onion.

"Hyung? Are you crying? What's wrong?" a high pitch voice could be heard across the kitchen. Junsu just get out from the shower when he spotted Jaejoong crying while chopping something.

"Blame the onion." Jaejoong said, making himself busy with another vegetables.

"Su-su!" Yoochun called for Junsu. After he got Junsu attention, he give him a signal to join him in the living room.

"What's wrong Chunnie?" Junsu asked when he finally sit beside Yoochun.

"We should do something about Jaejoong hyung." He whispered to Junsu, make sure that Jaejoong busy with cooking first.

"do what?"

"shhh Su-su! Watch out for your voice." Junsu realized that he talk to loud so he slapped his mouth with his hand and quickly take a look at Jaejoong. He sighed in relieved when he saw Jaejoong still busy with his cooking "sorry" he mouthed to Yoochun.

"Give me your phone."

"Eh, what for?"

"We can't let this going on for too long. I'll sent Changmin some mail."

Junsu nodded his head. He proceed to give his phone to Yoochun, letting Yoochun typing a message and send it to Changmin.

* * * * *

[ Min, what's wrong with Yunho hyung? ]

Changmin furrowed his eyebrows when the mail come to his phone. They could at least say hi to him first before asking. But he typed a reply anyway.

[ He's thinking now ]

[ What do you mean thinking? Tell him to call Jaejoong hyung! ASAP! ]

[ He's thinking about it now. Chillax man ]

[ about what? ]

"Changmin?" Yunho suddenly called him while he's typing a reply for Yoochun. Startled Changmin looking up at Yunho and surprised when he saw Yunho standing with a baseball cap on, on hand gripping on the phone Changmin gave to him while the other holding on a car key.

"Are you going somewhere hyung?"

Yunho looking at the car key he's holding onto before answering Changmin question "Yeah. I'll go for a while." then he walk to the door taking his jacket on the way out/

"Where to?"

"Jaejoong" Yunho manage to say before he completely out of the house.

* * * * *

[ Go away from your apartment, now! Leave Jae hyung alone. Yunho hyung is on the way there. ]

After receiving Changmin's last message, Yoochun and Junsu decided to tell Jaejoong that they're going to the supermarket for a while.

"Do you really have to go now? I mean like... now?" Jaejoong ask with a little hope that they're not going to leave him alone at the apartment. He need accompany to distract him from his thought.

"Yeah hyung, Su-su is craving for an abalone flavoured ramen."

Jaejoong's going to talk some more to prevent them from leaving when suddenly his phone vibrating. He took it from his pocket. The screen blinking a number that he doesn't know.

"Hello?" a low raspy voice could be heard from the other line. he look up to see Yoochun and Junsu when he finally realized that he already alone.

"Hello? Jaejoong?" He could feel that tears forced to come out from his eyes. He lifted his head to looked at the ceiling to prevent himself from crying.


"Hey, how are you doing?"

"I'm... fine" well not really fine ever since they live separately, but physically, he's fine.

"Are you eating well?"

"I did."

There's a long silent after Jaejoong talk. A sound of vehicles could be heard from the other line. jaejoong assuming that Yunho is on the way after he finished his schedule.

"I miss you boojae"

The sentence broke Jaejoong. He finally broke into tears. Sobbing when he answer Yunho "I... I miss you too Yunnie."

"Where are you right now? Are you on your apartment?"

"I am. I wish you were here too Yun..."

Another long silent again before Yunho finally talk "God Jaejoong, hearing your voice make me realize how much I miss you, and love you."

"I know... I love you too Yunho..."

"Are you on the kitchen right now?"


"Open the door."

"Huh? What for?" Jaejoong asked curiously while walking to the front door.

"Hi, Jaejoong. I miss you."

Jaejoong almost choked on his tears when he saw YUnho standing in front of his apartment door. he accidentally drop his phone when he wiped his tears.

Yunho gave him a big smile before he wrapped him into a tight hug and whispering the words that Jaejoong's been waiting for

"Happy anniversary, Boojae."


So how was it? I personally not really satisfied with how it comes out, but... yeah... Maybe I should re write it any time soon. Hahahaha,

And I was supposed to post it this morning, but my internet connection betrayed me. Screw my stupid intenet conection. Hahaha

pairing: yunjae, length:oneshot

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