Uhhhhhhhh.... Brains.....

Feb 10, 2007 05:04

Tired. Me... tired. How tired? Grammar not work. Me that tired.

Ok, I think you guys get the idea. Basically, I'm tired, maybe sick, sore in muscles I know damn well I've not been using, and occasionally nauseated. I don't have a fever though, odd, oh well. But I do have homework, oh yes. More homework than rapeseeds it takes to make a bottle of canola oil (now you have an idea of why it's called canola.)

I'll take some time tonight to work on the story, but don't promise much. I would have pics and drawings to post, but unfortunately, the usb cable for my camera/primitive scanner is missing. In the meantime though, much needed rest would be greeeeeeaaaat. But I've got homework, and need to deal with something about a red stapler, I got the memo but don't really understand it (who is this guy anyway?), and... complain to someone about his tsp reports. Yeeeeeaaaah, they don't have coversheets. I should maybe give him a copy of the memo. Yeeeeaaah, that'd be greeeeeaaaaat. And then, g-g-g-g-give them l-l-l-l-lads a ch-ch-ch... oh fucking give them these. FUCK! ASS! They d-d-d-d-did help m-m-m-me with th-the bar. You know wh-what th-th-they say, d-d-d-do unto others, a-a-and they'll eat f-f-f-f-for a lifeti-FUCK! ASS!

I really don't feel like acting out any more movie characters, but hey, feel free to guess.



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