Alright, we're almost only one week away from 2014, so I decided to make my new year's resolutions.
School wise:
- Have a definite weekly schedule in order to be a bit more orderly
- Get at least two homeworks done each week (by doing a problem a day)
- Do some short math exercises to get better
- Run every day
- Do more flash cards, they'll come in handy towards the end of the school year
- Work on practice exams
Health wise:
- Work out and stretch every day
- Practice kung fu! And maybe yoga, if I can find somewhere to learn
- Try to eat junk food less
- Don't go entire weeks without showering
- Take better care of skin and hair...
- Eat more vitamin-ey foods
- Sleep 9-10 hrs a day AT LEAST
- Drink more tea, it helps
Life wise:
- Practice 2 hours of piano every day
- Get back to practicing violin
- Be more careful about spendings by calculating prices before buying
- Buy clothes online and at Paris
- Get back to practicing Street Fighter, StarCraft, MTG, chess, go...
- Try to get through all the books on my shelf!!
- Read mangas and buy more!
- Play games that I already bought and buy new ones!
- Discover new artists and go to concerts!
- Try and meet new people and friends
- Shut up when I don't have to talk
- Be more kind and thoughtful
And since this is a pensive post, a Bruce Lee quote:
“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done. Make at least one definite move daily toward your goal.”