Some changes

Dec 13, 2013 12:00

Well, I took the time to change my layout. It's again one from milou-veronica, and I really didn't feel like editing much of it, even though there are a few things I'd like to change up. But whatever. I chose to use a picture of Goku from Gensomaden Saiyuki, because he's a really touching character while being very fun. Well, just like all of the characters in that manga, actually. I still can't pick a favorite. Maybe Gojyo or Goku, but really, I love them all!
I also should change my profile description but I feel too lazy for that at the moment. Maybe in the few days to come. I also want to work on icons and post them on Legumankey, the community on which I'll basically post whatever works I feel like sharing. For now, it's only fanfictions in French, but more will come with time. I really feel like making a big batch of icons with characters from Saiyuki (again...), but I'm really unsatisfied about how the few I made turned out. Actually, to put it simply, I just think they're awful orz Maybe I'll look up a few tutorials and try to get better...

I've been pretty lazy these past few days. All I really get done out of my work is piano exercices... Funnily, it's actually the least pleasant part of everything I have to do. But I still bring myself to do it every day, while being lazier about the rest. Well, whatever, it's still something, right? Hopefully, this afternoon, I'll try to get my math homework done, but it might be a bit hard, since I have two friends coming over. We'll see!

And tomorrow is the EAT YOU ALIVE memorial tour. To be very honest, I'm not a fan of this band. It's just alright. Well actually, some of their songs are even outright awful. But I haven't been to a rock concert since forever (since Buckethead, actually, and that was in 2011), so I'll check it out. It wasn't expensive either, so it's not a big loss. But I hope I won't regret it, since the last time I've been to a J-rock concert, it was in France as well, and I wasn't a big fan of how much the croud was moving. In general, I don't really like concert crouds, I'd much rather be sitting down and listening calmly. But oh well, it's not a huge problem since EYA isn't that great of a band to just listen to... whatever. We'll see, we'll see.

Anyway, it's lunch time now! I'm really hungry and I can't wait to devour the salad I bought~

graphics, music, concerts

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