Jul 15, 2009 05:53
Oh yeah! I'm posting in this thing cause I'm bored and can't sleep and it's 6 in the morning and I'm sick of playing Donkey Kong on the GameBoy emulator--
Of course, I feel like I only post here to advertise shows I'm playing, or complain about something insignificant, or mark some milestone that I'll want to look back on (although I have a memory for that, so)...
I could update this and inform you all (friends list) as to my life and what it involves.
Of course, from an outsiders standpoint, my life is probably pretty boring. I don't do as much as I could. I sleep a lot, I smoke a lot of cigarettes, and I drink a fair amount. I cook food for myself (and others) a lot of the time. I live with my family (I'm kind of afraid to leave them), but I'm going to be moving out soon and living with Shelby -roommates for life and whatnot-. Of course, Shelby already lives with me and my family (and I already lose enough sleep hanging out and talking to her). I spent a few months out of a full-time job and looking for good work (I'm very picky about jobs, so I took my time). I found a good job, so that's cool. I play music with a lot of people, that's really what I live for.
I need to write more.
I need to start going to the poetry slam again.
There's this strange feeling buried in me right now. I'm not feeling depressed at all, but I feel this intense repetitiveness of life closing in on me. I don't know exactly what it is, but I'm guessing it has to do with several factors. (1) I hang out with the same group of people all of the time. (2) I've lived in the same house in the same town for 8 years now, which is the longest I've ever lived in one place! (3) I keep getting stuck in conversations about the same damn thing, every other day.
Shelby's trying to convince me to travel to Southern California with her in a year (roommates for life and whatnot). Xaq and I have been planning to venture across Europe around this time next year as well. I have a step-uncle who manages a resort on a beach in Croatia who'll let us stay there for free if we work a few days for him! Also, I want a European team to make it to the World Cup finals, so that Xaq and I can take a train to that country and watch the game in the capital city (which is guaranteed to be utterly ridiculous)! Travel could definitely help. I've also been feeling like drawing into myself a lot lately, I think this has to do with a lack of creative output.
I need to write more, but I have no motivation to do anything during the summer...
I'll post more about my life as it happens, later I guess.
take care,