Ramblings on fandom, and my reading activites therein

Aug 10, 2006 23:26

Yes, this is one of those posts. Sometimes I need to write things to think through them properly.
As most of you know, I have seen the Big Gay Tennis light. The slashy goodness that abounds in the crack that they call a show is just... wonderful. I found slash a long time ago in HP and it's what I read. 99% of the time, I read slashfic, I write slashfic and think slashy thoughts.
But not always.
*ducks rotten fruit*
I like het. I do. And femmeslash. They make for a nice change. Something different. My problem is, with whatever fandom, I generally just don't like the female characters.
In HP, I hate the way Ginny is characterised and she irritates me greatly after the way she just changed in HBP. The background girls are annoying and underdeveloped. Hermione is tolerable, but only when it's a really good author, otherwise she just grates on my nerves. I have recently been won round to the idea of Harry/Pansy by draco_crescendo and oddly, it really works. She's given enough in the books to be present and little enough to have wide takes on her. If you're interested, the first chapter of the fic that really converted me is called Prometheus. Please go ask to be friended so you can read, if you're interested. It's worth it.
And PoT? Tomoka? *shudders* Loud and irritating. Utterly clueless and the kind of person that I would cheerfully kill to avoid IRL. Sakuno? Wimpy and mildly irritating. Yes, I can see the Sakuno/Ryoma in it. But it's painful to watch. She's such a bleedin' doormat that I can't read it. Actually, the best Sakuno I've read in recent times is in darth_claire's 'The Seduction of Echizen Ryoma' which actually has Taka/Sakuno as a side pairing to the TezFuji and MomoRyo. She's shy, but actually smacks Ryoma upside the head once or twice. Yet Tomo!Sakuno is almost worse to read. I can't win.
Imagine my surprise when I found this It's Nanako/Yumiko femmeslash. And it's just a really, really good idea. They're like Pansy in my estimations, in it enough to let you form an opinion with enough freedom to inovate. Lovely. Well worth a read if you like femmeslash.
I hope I've not lost too many of you with this. I love slash, really I do. But my first fandom was a het one and I still go back and read some of my old favourites from time to time. Guesses as to what that fandom was, if you're still reading at this point would be welcome ^.^
So, any thoughts? Comments? Even some fic recs would be nice, if you have any.

EDIT: OH! Me and my shiny new friend crimson_raining are writing crack!fic. Should be... interesting at least. Oh and I have a craving (in complete conterpoint to the above) for PoT OT5 fic. Any recs? (and yes, I have actually read everything on cracked_princes)


rambling, fandom

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