I've not been posting much lately have I? I have been around and f-listing though. *loves you all*
So yeah, I've signed up for the
Crush memeGo forth and put your name down/leave comments on other people's names ^.^
I'm in a bit of a rut in terms of fandom, now that I have the time to be involved of course. Bloody perverse mind (minds out of the gutter people)
So, give me something to do. You need something beta'ing? I'll do it. You need someone to help you with something? I'll do it.
YouTube has been eating in out 20Gb bandwidth allowance like crazy. No more watching./downloading PoT for me till next month -.-
So yeah, I have been writing a little, I'm a few hundreds words into three different fics, including chapter 15(?) of Destiny. I have a few icons done as well, when I get a decent number up I'll do a post.
So yeah, help me, give me something to do please!
EDIT: I'm BOOOOOORED. Entertain me. Spam me. Add me on some IM but please, give me something or I'm just gonna have to lie in bed awake for hours.
EDIT 2: Thank you
alli_everyday for trying. I think I wandered off to read fic by that point. Anyways, I'll be around til 1 am BST and then go stare at my ceiling for a bit.