
Feb 08, 2006 16:23

Ok, it's beautiful. It is hot, but not scorching. It is clear. The sun is marvelous.

I am so happy. I have remembered my frantic desperate need to be in theatre 24/7. I look forward to any moment during the day I can look at my script or write in my rehearsal log a reflection, or even see a person in the cast! Obviously, rehearsal is the worst. I actually have been finding I can't eat before rehearsal because my stomach knots up with the worst....and best.... excitement. I'm hitting myself for not trying out for directing auditions, and New Play Festival, too, though apparently I'm not allowed to be in that because the director of As You LIke It is selfish with his actors. I can't... articulate. this. My brain has been reeling. I need to go out and do more stuff. Audition. Do whatever the fuck I can. I feel like I can't start my homework because I haven't spent time in my day doing theatre (aside from acting class). It's screwing me up.

Yesterday we rehearsed on the stage of Keck. Let me say, I LOVE that theatre. You know how some people walk into a beautiful cathedral and are struck silent by the power of God there? Yeah. That's how it feels to walk in there for me. And I'm sure for those other thespians reading this, it's the same. I'll be a huge dork and confess something. There have been times, at least three last semester, and none so far this semester, that I snuck into Keck and into the actual theatre and just stood there, breathing. Its a miracle I can breathe, because every time it knocks the wind out of me just to know I'm there. I burst out in smiles, feeling like I'm in on some kind of secret being inside that space.

It's so strange because I'll I've done in rehearsal so far is read through my scenes! It's ridiculous I should be so excited. But I can't help it. It makes my entire day wonderful to know that I have rehearsal to look forward to, either tonight or tomorrow, or next week... and I never think about the performance really because usually up until Tech Week I'm afraid that I'm going to be kicked out of the show. It's so hard to write about this. I randomly burst into 45 minutes of narration about my feelings on theatre with Erica at the Cooler yesterday-- thank God she's a tolerant person, and I hope you are too.

Thank you for sharing my joy with me!
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