I have to open tomorrow and Fri, work on New Years Eve, OPEN ON NEW YEARS and open the next 2 days

Dec 28, 2005 18:09

When I worked for my year "off" at Starbucks, I somehow got the impression that that was my contribution to the working world... for life. I assumed that school and then a kickass career would excuse me from having to earn money at the menial customer service level for the rest of my life. I don't know why it took me until today to realize that this is simply not true. My life will be governed by ugly work schedules that suck the social life out of me in order to fit around auditions, rehearsals and performances at random. Marrying a very wealthy man or inheriting loads of money is the only way that I will be able to avoid this bleak existence that awaits me. I don't know how I could have missed it!
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