Okay, instead of advertisements for Viagra and the Democratic Party, I am now receiving garbled nonsensical stories (maybe they'd make sense to a Victorian opium addict in a Singapore brothel?). Let them not be viruses; merely annoyances, please.
My favorite line is: "See, here is a cushion. Will you not use it to cover your face?"
Features Ishtar as a main character, but your guess is as good as (and probably better than) mine as to the plot.
Cut for length and irrationality.
But could I hesitate for such a reason when Myra stood inperils a hundred times as great?
Enterand when you are happy, remember me.
But if he saw that letter, doubtless he would recall hiswords. In what troubles was I snared and wrapped like a gnat in a spidersweb! The King isgreater than all the conquered gods of all the peoples! Then it cannot be for me, upon whose countenance no lady has lookedfor months, I answered smiling. What are you doing inBabylon and what are you?
You would not greet thelady by telling her how you came to her and with whom, would you? Taking the first letterfrom where it was hidden, I compared the two. In what troubles was I snared and wrapped like a gnat in a spidersweb! You have done foolishly and for the second time, Ramose, he said,you who lack faith and patience. ThenI laid it down and thought, as perhaps I had never done before. Thereon she leant forward, pressing her face against my own, and didso. Yetbefore I die I would say to you what you know already, that all thistale is false. But a servant called Nabel came in his stead, muchdisturbed. See, hereis a cushion, will you not use it to cover your face?
You have heard, he said in that horrible soft voice of his.
It is even reported that an embassy has come from Egypt totreat with him on this matter.
The warmestkisses cannot burn it through.
Yet they fear him for he never forgets and his vengeance isvery terrible. I say that I grew afraid, not for myself who have never been a coward,but for Myra. IfIshtar keeps her eyes shut need you open hers?
After themcame other women whom I took to be attendants because their heads werebowed. Later in the day I sent again for Obil, thinking that I might gathermore tidings.
And therefore an enemy of the gods of Babylon.
No, Master, they hate him, who is the most cruel of whom historytells.
May it please the King, said the captain in a trembling voice, Obilcannot speak. So Ilistened to that voice and kissed her, for which she thanked me veryhumbly. IfIshtar keeps her eyes shut need you open hers?
Or do youfear that Ishtar has not blessed me?
If he must die, let me die withhim, she cried. Then I stepped back and showed the great jewel flashing onthe ground like to a tigers evil eye.
Be bold and come, lest we be parted for ever.
A eunuch as usual where such palace errands are concerned, andtherefore I smell a love affair. All those present smiled and Belshazzar answered with a brutal laugh,Oh! But a servant called Nabel came in his stead, muchdisturbed.
I sent once more to learn if the prophet had returned,but there was no sign of him.
Indeed with his last words he denied all the little hehad uttered.
On a more personal note, I had a fabulous weekend swimming and shooting new holes in the Super C Mag with my new longbow, purchased for me by
avidd because the re-curve I had been using splintered. Picture here:
http://www.woodbows.com/lelb.html I cannot thank him enough, as I had sorely missed shooting. Buying bows was just not on my list of necessities at the moment, and this means that I can continue.
Also watched City of Lost Children purchased for me by my roommate because I had expressed a desire to see it again. It remains one of my favorite movies for the surrealistically theatrical visuals.
Classes going fabulously, even though I was forced to drop several of them due to my financial aid not coming through. Instead I will try to be a self-motivated autodidact. My "Main Currents in Russian Thought" class will be particularly stimulating, methinks. The professor, Maria Carlson, amazes me with her knowledge of Russian history, using both Russian and English in her lectures.
Continue to read Foucault, Carey and Dumas as well as beginning the Donaldson short novel.
Also assembled my telescope--hoo haww!!--which will enable me to view the night sky with more than just my Jack Horkheimer-assisted naked eye.