I dont update this as much as I should anymore. Half of me wants it to be funny and short, the other half wants to talk wrestling, which is never short. So, in that vein, the first part of this post will be short and topical, and then the wrestling rant will follow, so those who dont care about the rant can go away.
Chris signed up for some farming shit at school. I have to buy him a bovine. Really. I asked his teacher about it, as I do not know what to do. He sent me this link.
http://asocl.com/ Really. Its only funny because I am not kidding. Thats right, they are selling bull semen. Roll that around in your head, and realize that there is someone out there whose job is masterbating large horned 2 ton animals. Your job doesn't seem so bad now, does it?
On another interesting note, my next door neighbor now has a swamp buggy. So, outside my bedroom, I now have 3 barking dogs, and a big ass swamp buggy. For those that dont know, here is a link to a picture of a swamp buggy.
http://www.airboatpro.com/400pixels/swampbuggy.jpg I think the kid in the back of the swamp buggy giving the finger must be from around here. All the redneck kids look the same too. Fat, redheaded, and stupid.
I think I am living in redneck utopia. 6 months in, and culture shock still gets me.
On the wrestling front, had two shows this weekend, Sat in Tampa for PWW, and Sunday sunray sunday. I enjoyed both shows, wish the crowds would have been bigger. I like big crowds (but I hate people) and sunray's crowd was small and dissapointing IMO. It looked even worse due to the sheer size of the venue. It was an absolute cavern. I would rather have a small place that holds 100 holding 100 than a place that holds 1000 holding 100. Its all perception. As for the show, it had some good points and some bad points. I wont go over the bad points but there were plenty of good points.
- I sold a salt lick.
- The matches were, for the most part, top notch.
- Afterparty was better than it was supposed to be.
- Fun times had by (almost) all. What more can you ask for?
- Thats all I got. See ya on the flip side kids.