I'm still on the previously, and I'm already humming. I LOVE this episode SO MUCH.
Evil!Dean = teh sex. 'Nuff said.
"...then head south, in Bisby by midnight....Sam wears women's underwear.." Dean you dork.
Dean has never ever had friends. Real friends that he wanted to keep in touch with, that he missed once they moved on. Or, well, he may have at some point, but he learned to shut that off. Sam and John are the only two people that have ever been constant for him. He really can't comprehend Sam wanting to stay in touch with his Stanford friends.
5:30 am in this ep, and 5:45 in Phantom Traveler. I've never been anywhere that it was that light that early in the morning. Do any of y'all live where it is? Is it from being farther north?
Bondage Sammy is the best Sammy. *nodnod*
Okay, so the shifter is Dean, when he goes to Becky's. And then Becky is tied up in the chair and bleeding. And then SHIRTLESS DEAN YAYS. Then skinless Dean, which I find SIGNIFICANTLY LESS HOT OMG. Then the shifter is Becky, and down in the sewers. Is this supposed to be after she was assaulted and then released from the hospital? Until this time watching it, I thought the thing was in two places at once. They should have left Becky a little more bloodied up, so that it was more obvious that the shifter had kidnapped her twice.
Dean's little fit at the thought of the shifter driving his car. Dean, never change. <333
The fight scene, with what is for all intents and purposes Sam and Dean fighting? THAT IS HOTTER THAN I REMEMBERED. O_O
Yeah, so I love this episode (in case you haven't guessed, I LOVE THEM ALL. XD). And I love how they revisited the shapeshifter MotW in Nightshifter. And I love that they have kept this plot woven through canon, and didn't just ignore it. Our show FTW, yeah?