azuremonkey asked, and I answered, to the best of my ability. :)
1. What was your first day in Japan like?
Well, my first day in Japan was pretty great, because I flew in to Tokyo with my little brother, and we had hotel reservations, and had no trouble finding our place, and got were even awake enough to wander around for a bit before we crashed for the night. This was my second trip to Japan, having gone three years before with my brother and cousin for three weeks on a homestay/cultural exchange, so a little of the new was off, but it was still pretty fantastic. Also, I had been studying Japanese for three years by that point, and had had an intense (Mon-Fri, 3 hours a day) summer Japanese class as prep/refresher, so I could get around without much problem.
My *other* day that counts as a first day in Japan, is the day that my brother flew home, and I made the 4+ hour trip from Tokyo to Kyoto by myself, and met up with the school pickup service. That first day, well, it was not as awesome. My brother and I both had only about 2 hours sleep the night before he left, with packing and last-chance touristing, and we had to be on the train back to the airport by...8am? And had to lug all of his luggage (though not mine, thank god, because we shipped mine via overnight service to the school in Kyoto (KuroNeko (black cat) shipping is like UPS, but only about $40 to ship two HUGE suitcases)) plus my backpack with my computer and other odds and ends I didn't trust to ship, through the busiest train station in Japan, Tokyo eki (Tokyo station), and switch trains, and then get through the airport, and then say goodbye, which was awful, just, crushingly awful. I was worried about him, flying by himself for the first time, and he didn't want to leave me by myself, and it was terrible.
And once we parted at the airport, I had to get back on the two trains, hauling still my backpack and odds and ends, get back to Tokyo eki, and switch to the Shinkansen (bullet train), and then ride two hours to Kyoto, listening for the name of every stop to make sure I didn't miss mine, so I couldn't even sleep on the way. And when I finally got there, I had to wait for the meetup, and then finally we got bused to the dorm, and I finally got checked in and found my room and met my two roommates (one temporary, homestay student only in the dorm for orientation), and was all ready to sleep, when I realized that I had no clothes with me but the ones I had on, because I had shipped everything that morning, and the bag that I had shipped when I first got into town two weeks before was still sitting at the office of the school, and I had never been there, didn't know how to get there, and I had to go and get my bag. And I was walking up this utterly foreign street, going what felt like a hundred million miles, and I wanted to go home *SO BAD*. I never got homesick again like I was on that walk. I know that it was mostly because I was tired, and worried about my brother, and I wasn't able to just settle and sleep because there was *one more thing* I had to do, and it seemed insurmountable. And I don't think I ever cried any other time I was there, not from homesickness, but I couldn't help it on the way back. The walk was easily 20 mins (once I knew where I was going it was a lot faster, later in my stay), and it felt like it would never end. Once I got to the office to get my bag, and they called me a cab to take me back, because even though it wasn't far, there was no way I would make it lugging the bag, and I got back to my dorm and showered and slept, the next day I was pretty much fine. But that first day was probably my worst in Japan.
And that was maybe a little more of an answer than you bargained for, huh? ;)
2. If you could put anyone in charge of the world, who would it be?
Ty Pennington. (kidding! I don't think any person is capable of ruling the world)
3. What genre of movies do you like best (action, romantic comedies, indie, etc)?
This one is tough! Though probably, if I have to pick....Action. As long as it's smart action, with good dialog. I don't like stuff just blowing up, I like the whole package (Transformers FTW!). Although, to be fair, two of my top three movies of all time are Indie (Everything is Illuminated and Garden State).
4. What are your top 5 favorite TV shows of all time?
Okay, this is slightly easier than I suspected it would be:
1) Supernatural (you aren't surprised by this, right?)
2) Stargate: Atlantis (I *know* it's cheesy, and goofy, and has plot holes big enough to drive semis through. BUT I DON'T CARE)
3) CSI: Miami (I have a deep and abiding love affair with everyone on this show)
4) Briscoe County Jr. (BRUCE CAMPBELL. Need I say more?)
5) Babylon 5 (this was one of the first shows that I watched every time it came on, not just haphazardly when I could)
5. Is there any particular storyline you'd like to see on SPN?
Can I just join the rest of the fandom and say: BODYSWAP. That is all. :)