I forgot what a great ablum Songs About Jane by Maroon 5 is...
What a crazy past 5 days its been... I would post pictures however my digital camera was in my purse that was stolen over the weekend... so those are all gone :(
But I'm finally starting to piece my life back together... I don't have a license (I've been driving around with a copy of it that my old station had and the police report) and then tonight at Outback when I was asked for my ID for a drink, I handed the woman a piece of paper... she got a laugh out of that...
Other than having my purse stolen... the trip to Florida was great... my mom had no idea I was coming home so that was great to be able to surprise her (even if I did end up flying into Orlando instead of Sarasota at last minute... haha) and seeing my friends from my old station.. I realize more and more each time I go home that I miss the people more than the place...
I ended up getting back to West Virginia on Monday night... I was able to get through airport security with a paper copy of my license and the police report... crazy huh? Luckly Monday, when I was driving all over Sarasota and Bradenton with my parents trying to piece my life together (new bank accounts, new cell phone but same number and everything else) I remembered that my old station had a copy of my license on file for my job there.. so I got a copy and that helped me to get new bank accounts and a new cell phone... what a serious pain though...
I lost my car keys and apartment keys also... luckly my mom had a spare (who knew that I would EVER need it) and my apartment keys, I had a spare in my place.. so now I'm down to one set of keys... which might I mention, the keys and purse haven't left my side since Monday...
This week has been a bit crazy, trying to get back into the groove of things and just trying to figure everything out... I'm looking forward to Saturday to sleeping in and taking it easy...
Other than that... not really motivated to go anywhere anymore as far as my career goes... it comes and goes in waves about leaving or not leaving and actually taking the time to get my tape together... I know I've settled... but I hear West Virginia isn't too bad in the summer... plus there are a few trips I want to take this summer... for sure to DC in the next month or two to see my favorites :)
Hope everyone is doing well.. if you want, please send me your cell phone numbers so I can get them back in my phone ... you can email them to me at
genevievejudge@hotmail.com Hope you all are having a great week...