So this morning... I'm at church with my family and while we were in church some punks decided they would rob cars at 3 churches in Bradenton...including the one we were at..
After service, we go out to my dad's car and the window is smashed in and my purse and my sister's purses... both gone...
In my purse... every business card I've ever gotten on a story or contact, my cell phone, my wallet with credit cards and my social security card and my digital camera (because we were going to Mother's Day brunch after church) and just little things ... oh yes my car and apartment keys as well..
So here I am.. still in Florida and hoping that the airlines will let me on tomorrow on a flight with nothing but my birth cert. If not, I have a very big problem....
So if care to send me your cell phone number (most of you on here I had it in my cell phone) ... you can email it to me at ... I've pretty much lost everything with my name on it at this point... my cell number will stay the same but for the meantime its been disconnected so the bastards that took it can't use it...