This week

May 03, 2010 08:58

Going on here this week, in no particular order:

-Planting the herbs and tomato plants I bought yesterday at the nursery (even though it's so flippin' hot here I'm worried they'll fry).
-Trying to finish knitting the baby sweater I'm making for my little niece-to-be--may not happen in time for the shower on Saturday, but I can try.
-Library time--returns, new books for me and babyo, and maybe story hour tomorrow.
-Dropping off towels, Dawn soap, and other supplies with a friend heading out to a localish bird sanctuary--they are preparing to help the creatures affected by this stupid oil spill going on in our beautiful Gulf of Mexico, who will start showing up on our coast before long.
-Cleaning out and reorganizing. I'm tired of stuff falling out of closets and cabinets and beaning me in the head.

The above, for Katrina, means time digging in mud and playing in the hose and then getting a bath with toys afterward, trying to grab yarn, finding new books on library shelves, going to see dogs (16 of them!) and other kids, and playing fort in piles of stuff mom has put on the floor. Doesn't it sound like a lot more fun from a kid's perspective? :)
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