Title: Hug An Angel
Characters: Dean/Cas
Spoilers: S6E12
Warnings: None
Summary: My contribution to the
Hug An Angel Foundation Meme at DeviantArt. Please check out the works of other artists!
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. If they were, everybody would be squishing the fucking awesome angel!
I have not seen any eps since SPN resumed in Jan. I'm already thoroughly spoiled tho, so i know all about Sammy refusing Cas his well-deserved hug. :(
Dean is absolutely gonna be pissed at me for giving him such girly lips, LOLOLOL.
I actually had a non-chibi art in the works, also with them sitting on the porch. It was supposed to be a valentine's thing, but yeah, couldn't finish it. Too tired. Always too tired. I need a new job, seriously.
Ok, i hope you guys enjoy it! I'm off to update CV! Wish me luck!