Mar 23, 2008 01:09
1. Would you give me $5?
depends on who you are i guess
2. Would you chug beer?
under the right circumstances
3. Do you play an instrument?
no but i used to play the trombone. cool, i know.
4. Are you a vegetarian?
5. Where did you go to school?
still go to hollins, although they are kicking me out in a couple of months
6. What's your favorite drink?
Sweet Tea
7. Yoga or pilates?
8. Do you ever cook?
No but I need to learn.
9. Where did you get your last email from?
candace i think
10. Cell phone, land line, or talking with a mic on the computer?
cell phone all the way
11. One best friend or many good friends?
both are nice, although i think i would prefer one best friend.
12. Have you ever danced in public?
13. Cars or planes?
planes, although i do like driving.
14. Would you smoke?
nope, it would kill my asthma
15. If you had to get married now, who would you want to marry?
i wouldnt get married until i knew we were in love and that it would last.
16. Have you ever sat on a rooftop?
i believe so, although i cant remember a specific instance
17. How easily do you trust people?
sometimes too easily, although i would rather trust people too easily than not let people in at all.
18. What is your favorite flavor in general?
not sure, maybe daisies?
19. Do you like dogs?
sure, especially huskies
20. Do you look like your mom or your dad?
more like my mom, though i act much more like my dad
22. If you could punch one person, who would it be?
hmm good question.. sometimes i want to punch my homophobic brother
23. Last time you cried?
last week sometime
24. Do you like working with people?
for the most part
25. Have you ever sworn?
of course, although i didnt start swearing regularly until my second year of college or so
26. Tan or pale?
i am sooooo pale, which for once in my life pays off right now
27. Name 4 things you always have with you:
keys, cell, gum, tissues (damn eternally runny nose)
28. Apple or Microsoft?
microsoft, only because it is the only thing my family has ever owned. macs are cool too though
29. Have you ever been high?
30. Would you live in a different country?
absolutely, and i already lived in spain for four months
31. What grade are you in?
i dont really consider class years in college to be grades, but if they were, i would be in the 16th grade :P
32. Explain what you think about hippies.
they had some cool ideas
33. What's your phone ringtone?
a stupid default one because i dont want to pay to get others on my phone
34. What is your favorite sport to watch?
i love watching the little league world series on tv. other than that, college softball and major league baseball
35. Do you eat meat?
I sure do.
36. Shorts or pants?
37. Would you go to college if you had a chance?
I do.
38. Why are they called fingers if they don't fing?
oh, they fing alright. wtf is fing?
39. Have you ever failed a grade?
no way, i cry if i get a c even
40. What was the last insult you received?
probably my brother saying i was smelly or something even though i shower everyday
41. What is your favorite IM acronym (lol, omg, ttyl, etc)?
it may not have originated with IM, but wtf
42. Where were you born?
Melbourne, FL
43. Would you kill someone?
No never unless it was in self defense.
44. What do you think about homosexual marriage?
Love is love, simple as that.
45. Is there happiness in slavery?
absolutely not!
46. Lace or satin?
i dont know lace?
47. When do you get up?
later than most
48. Would you do drugs?
probably not
49. Have you ever met a celebrity?
not that i can remember
50. What is your favorite type of ice cream?
probably coffee ice cream, although sticky toffee pudding is damn good too
51. Have you ever prank called someone?
Not that i can recall
52. Would you try to take over the world?
definitely not, that would be WAY too much work
53. Are you afraid of the dark?
54. Do you like holidays?
some of them, like christmas and the fourth of july
56. Happy or depressing music?
depends on my mood
57. Who do you want to meet?
barack obama, diego luna, isabel allende
60. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
i dont think so, i am so small i would get trampled
61. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most?
email or phone
62. Do you believe in God?
100% although i dont agree with His followers a lot of the time when it comes to them judging people
63. Have you ever performed on stage?
sure during ring night
64. Have you met someone in real life after meeting them online?
only people that i knew i was going to be going to college with
66. Have you ever been home schooled?
definitely not
67. Weekdays or weekends?
68. Do you like cats?
yes they are warm and fuzzy
69. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house?
Never had to.
70. Do you personally know any bums?
71. Do you have a girlfriend?
yes, a great one who i cant wait to see tomorrow :)
72. What is your favorite type of music?
spanish music or country probably, although i like all kinds
73. Have you ever gone to a public school?
Yes. I did until college
74. Would you flip off the pope?
hell no even though i dont recognize him as the representative of God on earth
75. How do you usually dress?
Jeans, tshirt, sneakers.. fashion has never been my thing and my clothes have to feel comfortable for me to like them
77. What was the last insult you GAVE?
i try not to insult people too much, but this morning i responded to my brother insulting me by comparing him to a chubby guy on tv, and he got totally offended
78. Have you ever licked a battery?
eww no
79. Dogs or cats?
80. Do you find dead people interesting?
No i find them to be a little bit creepy, especially seeing dead people that i knew
81. Do you want to die?
When it is my time to, absolutely because i know there is something better waiting after this life. and i want my family and friends to rejoice in that fact when i die.
82. Emotional or physical pain?
physical all the way
83. Do you love someone?
84. Day or night?
day mostly, even though i enjoy cuddling (and sleep) at night
85. What would you NEVER change about the past?
i dont think i would change anything big.. i would never change where i went to college and deciding to take spanish instead of german to be more specific
86. Abercrombie or Hollister?
Neither though i do own a few hollister polos
87. Explain your political beliefs:
they have changed since i came to college, definitely for the better. i believe that government should not regulate who can marry whom, when it is ok to sanction killing someone (capital punishment), or distrust civilians to the point where they are violating civil liberties. this country needs a positive leader who is both capable and trustworthy who is ready to begin to clean up the mess that Bush has left us with. In my mind that leader is Barack Obama.
88. Chocolate or vanilla?
89. Do you wear cologne?
90. Have you ever been racist?
when i was little i might have been afraid of people of other races, but never hated them or judged them. and to be fair, when i was little i was afraid of the world and everyone in it, i was way too damn shy. nowadays i am not racist at all.
91. What do you admire in people?
Honesty, kindness, discipline
93. Pain or no gain?
94. Who is your enemy?
i dont have enemies.
95. Have you ever kissed someone in the rain?
not that i can remember, but i want to.
96. Do you like the band Nine Inch Nails?
no way
97. Bagels or chicken?
98. Do you have a bad life?
definitely not i am very blessed
99. What's your favorite book?
i dont know if i could choose, i read tipping the velvet lately and that was pretty good. right now i am reading the seventh harry potter book in spanish
100. Hot or cold?
101. Do you hate yourself?
102. What would you change about the past?
how closeminded i was before i came to college
103. Croutons or bacon bits?
bacon bits
104. Drums or guitar?
105. Do you like the band Radiohead?
106. What is the perfect day for you?
Sleep in, cuddle, and spend time with friends in some capacity
107. Do you believe that animals have souls?
108. Have you ever prayed to Bhudda?
109. Have you ever seen Nine Inch Nails in concert?
i would probably hate a nine inch nails concert.
110. Do you like having your picture taken?
sure, it doesnt bother me
111. Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?
No but i have been to kings dominion, busch gardens, disney world, sea world, etc.
113. What is your favorite musical instrument?
probably guitar
118. Are you artistic?
not really, although that would be cool
120. What's your favorite car?
i dont really have one, although i like my blue 2004 chevy cavalier a lot.
123. What's one unique thing about you?
i've known that i wanted to teach spanish since the first day of my sophomore year, before that i HATED the language
130. Do you stop to smell the roses?
metaphorically yes, i like to enjoy life to the fullest and appreciate all of the great things and people in my life
131. Have you ever been to a beach?
sure i have been to a lot of beaches
132. What is the last thing you said to someone?
135. Touch or be touched?
ooh both, i love physical contact for some reason
136. What was the last compliment you received?
probably something about my new haircut
139. Name one person you hate, and why:
nobody, because i try not to hate people
142. Boxers or briefs?
i feel like this question is slanted more toward guys
144. Is it Pet's Mart or Pet Smart?
pet's mart
146. Why do you like the music you do?
the spanish music that i love is always fun because i love the language and every chance i get to hear it
152. Tastes great, or less filling?
Tastes great.
159. Would you eat human flesh for money?
ewww hell no
160. Would you be my friend?
who's asking?
163. Do you like cows?
i don't dislike cows
167. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks?
eh not really although i don't particularly like him either
169. Right handed?
180. Have you ever been late to work because of myspace?
no but i probably have because of facebook
192. Are all the pigs lined up?
weird question, sure why not?
196. Say something annoying:
this survey is way too long