Apr 02, 2011 14:33
Azula - the Killer DM to end all killer DMs.
Aang - keeps trying to make friends with the monsters.
Zuko - at least two people (probably Aang and Iroh) have to ask him before he even agrees to play, and for the first half hour he barely talks unless his turn has come up in combat, but eventually he gets really into the game and is a total dork about it.
Sokka - probably winds up DMing, since he knows the rules the best. As a player, he's probably the kind of powergamer who goes for weird builds that involve a lot of odd, marginal abilities that interact to create a total death machine.
Katara - either gets roped into playing the cleric because nobody else is willing, and spends the lower levels as a roleplay-heavy healbot before getting access to the really good cleric spells and becoming a total badass, or plays a paladin and winds up derailing the adventure on several occasions because she feels obliged to help/punish some minor NPCs the DM just put in for flavor.
Toph - flashy powergamer. Because what's the fun of playing a character who's less awesome than you are?
Ty Lee - favors interesting concepts heavily over combat efficacy, for two reasons. If she's not into her character, she doesn't have nearly as much fun, and when Azula's in a PC-killing mood, stats are irrelevant.
zuko why do you have to be so inferior?,