Sep 13, 2009 22:51
Apparently there's a modern-day gay porn adaptation of "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" out there - I wonder if the plot part is any good. There's a lot of really dumb erotica in the world, but the premise seems promising.
My mom's been reading diet books, and people in my family have the habit of sharing interesting bits of what we read with anyone in the vicinity, so I've been learning about all the different theories and practices of weight loss out there. Reading about the Drinking Man's Diet was rather impressive in a "Wow, it certainly does take all kinds" sort of way, since I wouldn't eat like that if you paid me.
Sometimes I wish I didn't have such a horrible palate for alcohol, because booze nerds seem to enjoy themselves so much geeking out over all the little details of vintage and variety and peculiarities of flavor, and to me it all tastes more or less like cleaning fluid.