Stories (oo2: o6 drabbles) - 1/1

Oct 16, 2008 17:07

Stories (oo2: o6 drabbles). (yunho/jaejoong)
513 words. angst. G

More prompt-based writing. Snapshots of their lives pulled at inopportune moments, where they are the most vulnerable, most ignorant, most tormented, most honest, most dark, most alive. Quietly, they live.

the clocks sweep away all the hours )

pairing: yunho/jaejoong, writing, fandom: dbsk

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crux_australis October 17 2008, 01:29:07 UTC
when sm comes barging in through their door and tells them that yunjae is going off the market, because you'd forgotten that.
You seem to like the concept of Yunjae being a (dispensable) marketed concept. And it just hits so close to home that it hurts and twinges in all the right (and wrong) places.

I loved everything, but I think I have a soft spot for 010 because the idea that Yunho would do that just so that Jaejoong would need him is heartbreakingly wrong, yet I find that I could forgive him because he's Yunho. And that's the part that bothers me, because it should be wrong, but I'm finding it hard to think that now.

Your writing is beautiful and poignant, as always. Short, but never lacking. ♥


florentineeggs October 17 2008, 03:15:51 UTC
I doo, I doooooo :'D I'm obsessed with the idea of them knowing the effect yunjae has, them knowing all the fansites, fanwrites, fanarts, (though, that recent video of Jaejoong and his blathering mouth... maybe?) and trying to figure out where they fit in drowned in all of it. ♥

Love is a little bit like that-- wrong in all the right ways and right in all the wrong ones. If Jaejoong doesn't need Yunho, well, he can fix that, can't he? alkdfjalksd sounding psycho, stfu-ing now.

Thank youuu ♥ ♥ ♥ I loved reading your comment (: so thorough and insightful~


crux_australis October 17 2008, 04:09:33 UTC
There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that each and every idol knows (at least to a general extent) the nature of what effect they have on fans; as well as what pairings are out there (and what are favored) and really. I absolutely believe that every idol has read at least 1 fan fic and seen at least 1 fanart about them.xD ( ... )


florentineeggs October 17 2008, 05:40:35 UTC
Well, we certainly know Jaejoong has ♥ him and his accidental reference to Thorn Year and now to that vid-- even if you didn't end up stumbling onto something pairing related accidentally, I think eventually my curiosity would get the better of me and I'd search it up myself :')

OOOHHhhhh that actually sounds really familiar... it's either a really common theme or I've read it too. I love how twisted it is though ♥ it can get so intense, when you think you're in love with someone because you need them because you have no idea how to live without them. it's a bit mean for the other one though ):

Not inane at all ♥ ♥ And dklfjad awwhhh thank you ;___;~
Your real lj? you have a fake one???


crux_australis October 17 2008, 11:55:39 UTC
Hahaha exactly! I mean, if I were famous, I'd Google myself, too and snoop around to see what people think of me. :P It's kind of inevitable to stumble upon these kinds of things. xD

I just love that particular story. And that's saying something because if I remember a yaoi/shounen-ai manga, it's either because 1.)it had some rather remarkably raunchy sex, 2.) it was a long-ass series, or 3.) the plot really stood out. And since it didn't have sex in it, nor was it get my drift. ;) ♥ Yeah, love's such a twisted, complex phenomenon, really. In this case, it's a matter of "I need you" and "I need you to need me." In the end, no matter how twisted it may be, it all boils down to two people needing each other, I suppose. :3 If that made any sense at all. ^^;

Um. I have a fic-reading/comm-joining journal for DBSK because I'm still supposed to be in the closet. DX


florentineeggs October 21 2008, 05:28:02 UTC
Can you imagine how they felt when they first got into the hardcore stuff;; man, I would die of mortification D8 some of the pictures are REALLY REALLYLYYY graphic too

ROFLLL AHHAHAHAAA yeahh the same goes for me :') though, when a series is too long, I tend to forget it actually. I don't like dragging things out for too long, because you either have a highly complex plot in which you need the length to explain it, or, you're putting in too many unnecessary details. More often than not, it's the second.
It did~ (: I find that the second one often needs to the first. Or the first into the second? @_@ I find "I need you to need me" much more dark than the second one, but also much more interesting

AHAHAHALSKDFJLA ME TOO SHIT, :'))) I have a different livejournal for each fandom. (i used to be into naruto) I tried to keep it from my friends that I liked dbsk too, but I think I'm failing horribly;;;;


crux_australis October 22 2008, 08:50:35 UTC
LOL. Yeah, I'm curious to know if they've seen this one...or at least similar. xD

It's slightly creepy, though...just because it sounds like an all-consuming love and desire and just thinking of it makes me feel like I'm drowning or that the walls are closing in from all corners. On one hand, it's awfully romantic. But on the other hand, I start to question whether it's justified.

LOL You and me both. xD


florentineeggs October 23 2008, 04:14:39 UTC
oohhh goodness :')) there are so many. I'm dying to find out what they think about the maniped!yunjae children :D

Love is such a contradiction, and really, half of the time, I don't think it's made for understanding :'D I was in a philosophy class a while ago, and we were discussing love? the chemical, neural side of it and then the other side. It was easy to say what it did to the mind, but outside of that, it was all theoretics and vague half-explanations. It wasn't even a small class, and yet most of us didn't know what to say when we were told to describe it.


crux_australis October 23 2008, 04:38:58 UTC
LOL. Then again, if Yunjae were real (and I desperately hope it is), they'd probably be half-sad and half-glad with the Yunjae kid pics. ♥ ^^;

Hahaha, I think more than the talk about the birds and the bees, I dread being asked "Mum, what's love?" by any future child of mine. xP But I think that's also part of what's so beautiful and alluring about love; the fact that no one person can quantify/qualify it, and that no two people will ever have one set, agreed definition of it. Much like life, love is such a relative concept and it's fragile and frustrating, and yet exhilarating, which would probably why man would always seek it. People remain skeptical that "love makes the world go round," but I think it's true. In more ways than one, it does; it inspires people to be better, or it can drive people to crime. And that's the least of the extent of what it can really do. xD

Sorry, I tend to ramble a lot. ^^;;;


florentineeggs October 23 2008, 06:36:08 UTC
I think I would be really really sad :'\ it's like what you could never obtain, but you can SEE it, so it's as though what you want is almost in your reach but not quite;;

♥ ♥ ♥
Ohhh, don't apologise, that was lovely to read ((: ahhhh I feel all warm and gushy now ♥!!


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