14 -possible- Islamist terrorists arrested in Barcelona. Three suicide bomb attacks were planned

Jan 25, 2008 18:45

14 -possible- Islamist terrorists arrested in Barcelona. Past weekend they were planning three suicide bomb attacks on the city's public transport system. It seems the thing could be very serious.

You can read the basic information I found in English at The Guardian page, a newspaper full of lies - ever I read information about Barcelona at least - here:http://www.guardian.co.uk/spain/article/0,,2245890,00.html , a far better comment, made by the ever lucid
nausica2 in her post here: http://nausica2.livejournal.com/732842.html and a late one, made by myself, in my new blog (started today!) in Catalan, under the idiot nick of Subur Mecànic, here:  http://suburmecanic.blogspot.com/

I ever had an idealized opinion about the decadence of our Occidental civilization (too much Schnitzler, images of Venice and Europe Endloss, I think) but it has becoming a total crap, with a terrible lack of glamour. It sucks.
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