Aug 02, 2005 00:45
i'm home.
don't feel much like updating about the whole weekend so i'll do that sometime this week... most likely tomorrow night when i get home from babysitting (which i am totally not thrilled about). or wednesday night, again when i get home from babysitting (which i am also not thrilled about). plus i think i'm coming down with a cold or something. i haven't been feeling good lately. just one thing after another..
i was also asked to work this saturday. i don't know if i can (or if i want to) but i told the girl i'd talk to the manager and then i'd call her tomorrow night and let her know. and i'm also still trying to make my interest in jeremy known and i don't want to get back in the habit of working there (i've decided not to go back working there... i know i said that a couple of posts down but i thought about it)... so i don't want to get back in the habit of working there again if i want things to keep going the way they're going. we do have another movie date set up.. we talked on the phone twice over the weekend. he called once to find out how i did on my placement test (how sweet of him to remember!) and then another time because he tried calling my mom but she couldn't talk so he called my phone and we ended up talking for a half hour. so we have another movie date set up. we don't know when we're going but we know what movie we're seeing... he already told me he wants to go. he said he's rich now because he just got paid on friday and he's getting a "promotion" so to speak as lead instructor at archiver's. veda is quitting so he will most likely be getting her job. he has to go through 5 interviews though just to get it! i was like "WHAT??" he's like 'yeah, i know.. i said the same thing.' but he's already been through, i think, 4 of them so far. maybe the 5th one.. i forget what he told me.
so, he'll be making more than $10.. i'm thinking like 11 or 12 an hour, at least. he doesn't even know.
so, yeah, he'll be rich and we can go to the movies a whole lot more. possibly even dinner. ha!
but anyways, i'm tired. it's been a LONG weekend and i'm glad i'm home finally.
be back to update about it this week sometime.