One of my favorite bands. I'll try not to go all fangirl on it xD
the beautiful name: I'm not new to this song. It's a great opening for the album. The intro really catches your ear. But the instrument that takes the cake here is the one neither of them play. The violins. Nao's drumming is flawless, it really stands out. But all the other instruments are shadowed by the beautiful sound of the violins, which means, I don't think this is an appropiate song for a live. I'll give it an 8/10
Hyakka Ryoran: Is that some rapping in the back? O__o Oh no, Shou, please don't you dare get on board of that train. Well, it's not so bad, actually. The guitar solos are wonderful, btw. Very good song in all. 8,5/10
Raimbows: They added an unnecessary distortion to the intro. They shouldn't have touched it, this song is too amazing as it. *irrelevant comment ahead* Every time I listen to this song I get the urge to start walking on the tredmill lol *blame it on the PV* And well, since they apparently didn't change anything else, I'll give it a 9/10
Kiss twice, Kiss me deadly: The intro reminds me of Pretty Woman for some reason xD. I don't like the female vocals, they don't go with Shou's voice. I like the feeling of the song, it's something different for them, good thing they're trying new things. And the chorus is very catchy. Again, it's Nao that really stands out. The solos are good, but the drums are the soul of this song. Shou's vocals are pretty good, too. 8,5/10
CROSS GAME: Everyone says this is the typical a9 song. Well, I love it. It's catchy and lively. And there's nothing wrong with the old formula 9/10
Subaru: Not very fond of this song, but it's still good. The thing is, it takes a while till it reaches the good part. And the guitar solo, is quite generic. 7/10
www: oh, Shou making a sexy voice...that's a plus. I like the guitar riff...I wonder if that's hiroto...I don't think it's Tora.
Nice double solo. 9/10
Drealla: This song is all about the guitars, and they sound amazing. They may have gone a little overboard with the voice distortion, but it's not too invasive. A pretty good twist for the album. 8,5/10
Mirror Ball (Vandalize edition): Ok. What THE HELL did they do with this song. I really don't like this slow, piano version. Shou's voice sounds forced. Sorry, but they kind of ruined it for me 5/10
Innocence: I absolutely ADORE this song. Fast paced, typical a9 sound. The chorus is more than catchy. 9/10
Waterfall: Ah the intro is lovely. Thank God Shou's engrish isn't that bad xDD. A lovely ballad, and perfect ending for an amazing album. And the violins are <33. A very moving song, Lovely. 9/10
Overall: 9/10 Wonderful album. Every song has a little something that makes it stand out. They tried different sounds, and succeeded every time. Ah, the sky is the limit for them and I really wish I'll get to see them live someday.