因为看过有报道说,亚瑟柯南道尔爵士(Sir Authur Conan Doyle)文学遗产的执行人安德莉普拉凯特(Andrea Plunket)日前表示,如果导演盖里奇(Guy Ritchie)胆敢在《福尔摩斯》的续集中暗示这位著名的侦探与助手华生之间关系暖昧,那么她将收回里奇的电影改编权
所以要在这里说,其实这个人没有这个权利的,续集导演盖里奇(Guy Ritchie)想怎么萌都可以继续怎么萌.
(Plunket is the ex-wife of the late TV producer Sheldon Reynolds, who produced a Sherlock Holmes TV series in the 1950s. According to Holmesian.net, her claims that she owns the rights to the characters have been rejected in federal court, and her attempt to trademark the name Sherlock Holmes was likewise rejected by the U.S. patent office. Officially the Estate of Dame Jean Conan Doyle is registered as the owner of the Sherlock Holmes copyrights. In response to an email inquiry from Studio Briefing, Jon Lellenberg, the attorney for the estate said, "Her claims to own U.S. rights to Conan Doyle's protected works and characters are entirely bogus, and we are continuing to collect on several judgments against her for attorneys fees and costs in those federal court cases despite her attempts to evade.") »
Andrea Plunket? THE Andrea Plunket? 4-times married Ex-Lover of Claus von Buelow? Hostess of the Catskills B&B 'the Guest House'? When did she become an expert on Doyle's spirit? And didn't she actually lose several cases over her claim to 'own' the copyrights on ACD's work in the US? All copyrights on ACD works in the UK ceased in 2000. Her permission may not be needed to get Sherlock 2 going.
She is definitely NOT the "copyright holder." From Sherlockian.net:
A recently created web site for "the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate" represents Andrea Plunket, the former wife of Sheldon Reynolds, producer of the 1954 television series starring Ronald Howard as Holmes. Reynolds controlled the copyrights in the 1950s.
Plunket is proprietor of a guest house in Livingston Manor, New York. Her claims to rights in the Sherlock Holmes stories have been repeatedly rejected in U.S. federal court decisions (including Plunket v. Doyle, No. 99-11006, Southern District of New York, February 22, 2001; Pannonia Farms Inc. v. ReMax International and Jon Lellenberg, No. 01-1697, District of Columbia, March 21, 2005).
She has also filed a claim to the name "Sherlock Holmes" as a United States trademark, and it too has been turned down
就是说这个人一点权利都没有,喜欢也好不喜欢也好,导演: Guy Ritchie想怎么萌都可以
负责人是50年代福尔摩斯电视剧制片人的前妻。她声明的对人物的权利被联邦法庭驳回了,注册商标也没通过,又跳出一个协会Dame Jean Conan Doyle产权协会据说真正有版权,此协会律师说Andrea Plunket宣称的权利都是假的,他们一直在和此人打官司.
All but one Sherlock Holmes story/novel is in the Public Domain in the US. Andrea doesn't own anything, who cares
这个Andrea Plunket 出来说了那么多,就给人剥皮找出来做过的那些事情和以前那些不好的东西了,所以不要说那么多还好一点呀.