Catching Up With Y'all

May 12, 2008 12:49

Long time no chat all....

Thought I’d add to the sucketude that seems to be going around lately.  I’m sick!!  UGH!!

And not in the “flu is making me feel tired and gross” way but in the spending the day and evening in the ER way.

Can I tell you, I loved the people in the ER who helped me….they were super patient (I’m a horrible sick person who hates taking any kind of medication) and were very attentive.  But damn, I was still in the hospital with a Potassium IV dripping into my veins and having loads of tests done.  I did not like that one bit.

I have newfound respect for chemotherapy patients, that IV burned my veins like a motherf*cker.  So incredibly painful across the entirety of my arm all the way up my shoulder. I’d advise avoiding it if you can!

Turns out my body chemistry is just hinky because of stress and the fact that I’m not eating.  So now I’ve got to get about the business of rectifying that.  If only I could get rid of the residual excruciating pain in my digestive system to do so.

Sorry for the bitchy depressing rant, but at least GG is on tonight and we get to see the gang rally.  Oh and what did everyone think of B&S?  My local affiliate stopped transmission right as Kevin walked into Sarah’s office so I missed the montage and the awkward kiss (which I’m not upset about btw, since I loathe this whole story).

Hope all on my flist are doing better/well!

illness, brothers & sisters, gossip girl

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