Five Things

Mar 15, 2009 18:06

Helloooo peeps!

I know, I know….it’s been entirely too long since I updated my journal and I honestly don’t have any excuse except to say that I’ve been tremendously lazy.  Anyway, I’m hoping to be a bit more proactive in keeping up with it in the future.

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

Here are the five cancanlaughs  suggested to me:

1.  General Hospital

**heaviest of sighs**

I could honestly go for days on this topic but I always come back to the word vile.  The show is simply vile in every way imaginable.  There isn’t a story or character that we can root for, there isn’t any love or romance or intrigue….it’s just a relentless barrage of darkness and depression.

It is absolutely NOTHING like the show I grew up on, a show that my mom and I watched together every night without fail.  Amazingly I watched the WHOLE show without even the smallest twitch of the fast forward button back in those days.  Wish I could say the same now.

I think that is what makes the sadness so acute.  I’d love to pass my love for the show (as it was because that love is very quickly fading away these days) on to my niece but there is no way I could, in good conscience, encourage her to watch it.   It is wholly inappropriate for people under the age of 18.  If I’m being honest it’s likely inappropriate for any age at this point.

My gripes are those that I think most people who continue to watch the show have - too much violence, focus on only a select number of characters as compared to the entire cast, horrifying lack of consistency and continuity, no use of history, or when use of history is undertaken its completely re-written, horrible storytelling (not that I’d consider any of it storytelling at all frankly) and just brutal ineptitude in the management department.

OH the things I would do with that show if I were there to hold the reigns.  Heck, I’ve thought of completely re-writing the show and posting it on a blog all the time.

I’ll stay away from the topic of Patrick and Robin mainly because I’m so hot under the collar about the way the story is going that I’ll likely raise my blood pressure to a dangerous level ☺.

2.  Writing

I love it!  Love, love, love it!

Creating different storylines and characters is such a joy.  I often think of trying my hand at a novel, in fact it’s something that I toy with regularly.  I just wonder if I have it in me - the dedication - to really follow through.  Not only that can I create something compelling enough that would actually find its way into the publishing industry.  Oh and I tend to write epics, I don’t think I could write anything that would be less than 1K pages, LOL.

I’m sure I’ll continue to think about it and maybe even one day I’ll take the plunge.

For now writing fanfic will have to do.  I enjoy being able to write and share what I produce with people.  It truly is the most gratifying experience to hear that people understand or take a different viewpoint from what I put out there.  Words can’t truly express the enjoyment and fulfillment it brings.

The worst by product of my GH/Scrubs love waning is the fact that it makes it all the more difficult to muster up the desire to write anything.  I love the characters I have to work with but man oh man they are so ruined on screen that I have a hard time trying to rectify it on paper myself.  I’m slipping into apathy I think.  Which makes me so so sad.

3. Music

Music is like tv for me I’m all over the spectrum.  I don’t have a “favorite” genre or artist per se.  I like it all….well except heavy metal and hard core gansta rap.

I’ve been on this 80’s music kick listening to the digital channel on my cable box.  LOL  I think I like it so much because it brings me back to my younger days when I has next to no real responsibility and just had fun.  I miss those days don’t you?

4.  Friendship

UGH this one is hard, and for reasons I think you are aware of.

Friendship is a valuable commodity, one that I’ve been so fortunate to benefit from.  I’m a lucky girl to have maintained friendships from early in life and to make new friends along the way.

But, like most, I’ve also had the misfortune of making friends I foolishly believed valued my friendship in return.  I suppose in the end I found out these people were acquaintances more than anything else.  But the way that realization came to be was hurtful and in some cases spontaneous and never thoroughly understood.

I know of late I may not be the friend to some that I was once before.  I recognize that fact but also know that current circumstances in my life put limitations on my time and mood. Sadly, sometimes we have to prioritize selfishness in our lives before friends and as a result losing touch with some is a by-product of those actions.  I’ve been hurt many times and likely have hurt others without realizing it.  I like to think myself a good friend and though I may be absent at times I’m a friend true and pure - when called on I’ll always be there to help..

5. LOST -

Phenomenal show!  Truly.  I know it’s an acquired taste but it’s just so action packed and thought provoking.  I enjoy the mystery, the suspense, and anticipation each episode provides.

Looking at it from the standpoint of writing I’m continually amazed at the intricate plotlines and some downright witty dialogue.  Sawyer has some of the best one liners I’ve heard on television.  I’m quite interested to see how all of the different elements they’ve weaved into the show pan out in the end.  I honestly have no idea what it’s all going to look like at that point.

I’m a Sawyer/Kate fan so I’m interested to see how her coming back to the island now that he and Juliette are romantically paired.  Add into that her previous relationship with Jack while they were off he island and Jack’s almost relationship with Juliette before they left and there is the makings of a really great quad.

I highly recommend this show.  So worth the watch.

meme, writing, friendship, lost, general hospital, music

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