Memoirs of a Christian

Jan 06, 2006 01:03

Watching movies can be an interesting experience sometimes, specially when God talks through the film.
I saw Memoirs of a Geisha tonight with Rach, before hand we were at Denny's and talked a lot about her walk, and how she was falling and fallen. So even though God didn't say anything about that particularly, He was still on the fore front of my mind going in.
This movie made me realize how superficial this world can be. Every era of History and culture has it's Geishas, not quite prostitutes who sell themselves into the line light. Some times not all with sex but sensuality is always a part of it. Those desires burn hotter than greed for many, that fire needs fuel and those who are run by pride are willing to be that fuel that flams if need be.
Where is my life do I see desires of lust and pride? Do they cripple me? How can they be put out? You can not just feed or fullfill that desire. It just grows larger, until it over takes you. You must be content with what you have. I can take no pride in anything but Christ and I can not fill any sexual desires till marriage. Sexual power is a very strong thing. Women use it all the time to get what they want, what they don't tell you it ruins them in the end. If fruits of the Spirit don't get me what I want then it's not worth having.
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