(no subject)

Sep 26, 2011 19:16

My inner geek is about to have a heart attack in it's enthusiasm. =DD

I have been watching Trek movies, and I just finished Voyage Home. I have seen this twice before, but the movies before or after I am watching for the very first time. Well, I am at the whale hunter scene, and hear the hunters speak. I have to pause it n astonishment, but the I continue on. Were they speaking Finnish? But it wouldn't make no sense for we don't have whale hunting in Finland! (we aren't connected to Atlantic ocean)

I put it on, and pause it soon. It's not exactly Finnish, but really really close to it. I understand what they are speaking, but it's not exactly Finnish. Maybe Estonian, but that would make even less sense than they speaking Finnish.

I have to pause it and start searching in net. There is a youtube link where the pieces that the hunters are talking have been put together, and they say it's kvennish!

(Kvens are Finns that moved to Norway's northern parts long time ago, and have kept their Finnish language.)

I go to tell my dad and show him the youtube link for he had no previous idea about this. He starts smiling and I think he is having very much fun with it and with my entusiastic bubblyness. =DD

I just love Star Trek!

Oh, the link is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYHfJks15jY

star trek, geekery

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