Hope you had a good time...
'cause I didn't :P I seem so emo lately xD
Well, I had a fight with my mom and my grandmother AND at that moment, my homework was winning me :P How this all ended? My mom is alright with me. I could finish almost all of my homework. My grandmother is still angry at me :P
Speaking of mom, I was discussing with her that I want a piercing :) Perhaps for my birthday? But she is not liking the idea...oh well...
Everyone has Twilight DVD. And guess what? I don't xD Like always...I'm like a different type of Twilight fan xD The one who does all things later than everyone. Yay for me (?)
My friend decided to run a forum of Jason Mraz in Spanish, since they're no existent xD Lau already know it (I made her asked her to sign up), but maybe some one else would like to see it ;D