❀✾❃ 4th Bloom ❃✾❀ [Video|Action]

Oct 21, 2011 14:15

[Whilst summer flowers are very colourful and beautiful to look at they really don't suit the many reds, yellows and browns that the changing leaves seem to possess. Time for a change. The summer blooms probably weren't too fond of being out in such cold weather anyway. The current flowers on display in Yuuka's garden seem to fold back into the ground, and in their place sprout new blooms. Anemones, blackberry lilies, chrysanthemums, camellia, hypericum, marigolds, gladiolus... There really is too many different varieties to name. Despite the new autumn line up, sunflowers still feature prominantly throughout her garden.

After updating her garden to a more current season of flowers, Yuuka sets off into the village. She heads to the item shop for a rake and the clothing shop for a scarf, red and black in colour of course. Youkai might be able to withstand cold, but it's not as if they like it... Unless they're snow or ice youkai, but Yuuka isn't any of those. Given the choice she'd opt for staying warm.

The rest of the afternoon is filled with raking up any stray leaves which have happened to fall into her beds, as well as raking up the leaves surrounding CH4 and the rest of her garden. They look much better on the trees than they do on the ground. Expect some nice, big piles of leaves positioned near her garden. Perfect for jumping in one might say...]


[Raking done, Yuuka takes a seat at the table in her garden and opens her journal. Ensuring the journal is once again aimed properly, catching the upper half of her body above the table, as well as the garden behind her, she smiles toward the journal.


And that's it really. Her elbows come to rest on the table and her hands grasp together, allowing her to rest her chin on her now together hands. And then, more smiling. It's almost as if she's waiting for someone to say something. What's more, she'll be like this for some time. Just sitting and smiling into the journal...

There's no aim to this. At all. Once the gardening for the day is done, bored youkai is bored.]

hello luceti, gardens are awesome, [action], suddenly garden, [video], it's cold you know

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