May 14, 2010 12:06
I checked my grades online and discovered that I passed physics class! I'm so stupidly happy. My school counts a D as failing and they make you take it again if you don't get a C- or above. I thought that I was going to have to suffer through it again because I was failing up until the last part of the semester. I was so on the verge of failing and I must have scored an A on the final because I got a C! So now my GPA is so much better than I expected.
Despite what the upperclassmen told me about the physics professor being a jerk, I talked to him, and seems to me that he is a fairly decent guy who genuinely cares about his students and wants to help them out. I hated the class and the subject because it exploits all of my academic weaknesses in one monster class and I dislike struggling. I also pulled up my grades at the last minute so my GPA looks pretty good. If I can get decent grades in classes that I hate and struggle with, surely it means that I can overcome my weaknesses. Or at least I hope so.