Birthday Fic #7: "Different Roommates" (Charlie/Harry/Bill, NC17)

Mar 22, 2007 01:10

Title: Different Roommates
Pairing: Charlie/Harry/Bill
Words: ~1300
Rating: NC17
Warning: Note there are two Weasley brothers in the pairing. Draw your own conclusion.
A/N: Prompt from setissma: Charlie/Harry/Bill, first-time, with small amounts of awkwardness. This is the seventh of the fics I will post one-a-day till my birthday.

Different Roommates

The thing about rooming with Charlie and Bill was, they said the most outrageous things to each other. Harry had spent the past several years in a dormitory with other teenaged boys, of course, so he wasn't unfamiliar with the concept of a conversation tending toward utter crudeness, but, well, he couldn't imagine Neville telling Seamus he could just suck him, and Seamus actually reaching over and cupping Neville and suggesting it'd have to be a reciprocal arrangement.

Well, Seamus might go there, out of all Harry's year, but Neville certainly wouldn't, and anyway, it would all be more …something. More showy, less comfortable.

And Charlie and Bill were comfortable. Individually and together, without the barest shred of shyness about their bodies, tossing underwear at each other, engaging in some sort of clearly long-familiar wrestling match while they were both bare to the skin, Charlie fresh from the shower and Bill about to go get in it.

And Harry found the whole thing sort of, he wanted to say, alarming, only it was more kind of fascinating, watching Charlie hold Bill in a headlock, sinews pulled tight, solid thick thighs bulging because his feet were planted, knees bent, body damn near unbudgable. And Bill, twisting, reaching, taking any unfair advantage he could reach because Charlie was more solid, but Bill was cannier, both as a matter of intuition and of experience in a field in which thinking on one's feet was not just a good idea, but critical to continued life.

So Harry watched. It was very different from rooming with Ron, but with half the Burrow unstable yet, and Ron and Hermione technically still newlyweds, this had been how things had worked. At least he'd drawn this lot, because Percy was in with the twins, and while Harry supposed Percy didn't think that was better, he imagined Percy watching this display, and, well, he didn't much want to trade.

"Harry's smiling, Bill."

Harry looked up. "What?"

Charlie winked and twisted away from Bill's seeking hands. "You're watching us, and smiling. No offense, but you don't smile all that much, so it seemed noteworthy."

"I was just thinking Percy was probably not glad to be in with the twins, but honestly, he'd probably explode watching the two of you doing whatever you're doing."

"He would, nnnf, yes," Bill said, spitting where he'd just got a mouthful of chest hair. "He's a bit shy about his body."

"And we're not," Charlie added, spinning suddenly so he had Bill's arm pinned up behind him and was straddling his thigh.

Harry swallowed. "I can see that."

"And it makes you smile," Charlie said, pushing Bill's arm up higher until Bill managed to shift his weight and threaten to bring up the knee between Charlie's legs.

"I guess it does," Harry said. "All this, uh, touching, and none of it for any bad reason."

Bill looked at him, then cocked an eyebrow at Charlie, and just like that, they dropped apart and plunked down on opposite sides of Harry. "Wanna play? Charlie asked.

It was a casual enough question, and Harry was very sure he could just say no, thanks, and that would be the end, but instead he felt his face heating. "Like what you were--um." Neither of them was laughing at him, and actually, maybe he did, so he went on, "I'm not really very strong."

"We'll go easy on you," Bill said. "Teach you the ropes."

"Um. Right." Harry tugged his shirt over his head and leaned back, only to find two unmatched freckled hands on his stomach, stroking and touching, and it tickled, but it was nice. Neither of them said a word, and a moment later he'd lifted his left hand, a little slowly, up to Charlie's tricep.

Charlie dropped a casual kiss on his shoulder and slid his hand down to Harry's belt buckle. "Okay?"

Harry couldn’t quite figure out how to answer, because it was okay, with him, but also it was weird, and also, what if it wasn't okay with them but they were humoring him and was this really just play and… he squeaked something which Charlie evidently took as yes, and then, distracting him completely, Bill licked his right ear while Charlie was undoing his trousers.

Harry blinked, and looked down, and realized having a hand on his groin and a tongue on his ear was having a predictable result, but then, both Bill and Charlie seemed to be going right along with him, and really, if they were all right, it was, well, they were beautiful and touching him and licking him and he couldn’t much complain about any of that and, and there went his trousers.

As soon as his legs were bare there were hands on them, stroking and rubbing and easing him around until all three of them were lying on the bed, half piled, Harry beneath both Bill and Charlie, both of them rubbing hard cocks against his thighs, both of them grinning at him and pointing out that honestly, he wasn't fighting back at all and what kind of wrestler was he.

"A, um. Apparently a horny one?"

Charlie threw back his head and laughed, then, bit at Harry's shoulder and nosed up against his ear. "Wanna fuck me?"

Harry blushed again, knowing the pink probably went all the way down to his toes, but both of them were rocking against him, and both of them were solid and strong, and both of them were waiting for his answer, and was there a reason to think about this a lot? He nodded. "I, um. Yeah, but I don't--"

"No worries," Charlie said. "Bill will show you."

Harry blinked at that, but then they were all rearranging themselves, and Charlie was on all fours, Bill's wand reaching around Harry's waist to Charlie's hole. Harry was on his knees between Charlie's calves, staring down, reaching out slowly to touch, and Bill was behind him, pressed right up against him, hard cock tucked up along his arsecrack and sticky against the small of his back. Bill reached around again, no wand this time, and wrapped strong fingers around Harry's cock, then whispered him his ear, "You won't hurt him. He likes it a little rough anyway, so just…" He positioned Harry's cock for him, and Harry found his body was evidently completely familiar with the mechanics of this activity. He pushed forward, hard, and Charlie groaned and Harry bent forward, unable to think about anything but how completely, inexplicably, unendingly brilliant this was.

Bill was kissing his way down Harry's back, and for a moment he tensed because it would only make sense for Bill to want to do this, too, but Charlie looked over his shoulder. "Keep going, Harry. Keep, yes, like that. Bill won't hurt you."

Harry kept going, kept thrusting as Bill's hands kneaded his arse, as Bill snuck up close behind him again, as Bill's cock… slid between Harry's thigh, along his balls, surely knocking into Charlie's arse and sliding back again. Harry groaned, and kept thrusting, trying not to come too fast, watching Charlie lift one arm to jerk himself off, wondering if that were supposed to be his job, wondering if Bill were getting enough…

And then Bill came, splashing wet heat on Harry's balls and Charlie's arse, and Harry couldn’t hold off another instant. He felt his cock pulse and spill, Bill's hands on his hips, Charlie's arsehole tight around him.

A moment later, Charlie, too, was groaning, and then they all collapsed in a pile again, still stretched out, still half on top of each other, and considerably stickier than a short time earlier.

"So," Charlie said after a moment. "You okay to room with us all weekend?"

Harry tried to formulate an answer of more than one syllable, failed, and simply answered, "Yes."

bill, charlie, harry, threesome, 37th birthday ficlets

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