Why, yes, I did Write
Champagne Supernova for
sheepybunbuns, whose request was (All post-HBP) Remus/Arthur, Remus/Bill, Remus/Harry/Bill with hormonally-driven sex, intoxication from something cliched like a botched potion or spell or a cursed object, potential for being caught, morally-torn!Remus, straight men having gay sex, dubious consent/manipulation, confident bisexuality, partially dressed sex, wrist/ankle restraints..
NC17, And yes, the first pairing listed is Remus/Arthur, but OMG it's nothing to be scared of. It's mostly Remus/Bill, Remus/Harry, and Remus/Harry/Bill.
Per wordcount, from the time it started being porn until it stopped out of the entire total wordcount, the fic is 86.6% porn. It may be the most persistently porny thing I have ever written. Heh.