Completely pointless post, but since I'm litterally *BURSTING* with joy, I had to share it with someone...
I have it here, in my lustful hands! Oh joy, oh gaudium! The King has kept us waiting FOR YEARS for this epilogue, but finally it's here!! *dances and jumps*
Ok. Calm down now. To give a sense to this post, and since
ailes_de_verre had tagged me:
1. I'm a chocolate addicted
2. I use to sing stupid tunes to my dog. And no, he doesn't like that.
3. I can stretch my body - especially legs and back - in the most strange position and angles. I'm just...very, very bendy, that is.
4. A consequence of the above point: I've been a rythmic gymnast since very early in life - and the only sport activity I've ever practiced in a serious way. I still train, when I can, and I'm in a dance group.
5. I love winter, and I hate summer.
6. I'm very independent. This has brought me lot of troubles in sentimental relationships.
7. I'm not a follower of any religion. None. That doesn't mean I can't have a spirituality of sort. I just don't believe in pre-constructed religious systems.
8. I have a conservatory degree in classical piano.
9. I learn different languages very easily, but I've not a mathematical mind. Me and math = mortal enemies.
10. My mother is a French teacher.
11. I'm an history geek (but this is no news).
12. I've been a flight attendant, thus I had the chance to travel a lot. And I mean a lot.
13. I like classical music, especially Russian composers. Aleksander Scrjabin is my favourite piano composer.
14. I've seen Tori Amos in concert four times.
15. I can't cook to save my life. No, I can't even cook an egg. Italians = good cooks? that is an equation that doesn't apply to sweet lil' Flora. ^_-
16. My father left my mother when I was six.
17. When I was in Mexico I saw a spider which was as big as a small mouse. O_o
18. I have waist-long hair.
19. I love horses, and I wish I had one of my own.
20. I'm growing a little tired of this meme. ;P