(no subject)

Nov 09, 2007 09:39

Why does this shit always happen to me! My tens machine didn't come in the mail. I got starbucks today and I asked for my frapp double blended and it didn't look double blended and I asked her if it was and she said it was (in the drive thru) and it wasn't so I had to go into the store and complain and have them make it over again! If I pay for something and ask for it a certain way it better damn well be the way I want it!! And so I'm home now, I have tons to do before I can even start my day and I fucking hurt and I have to take 3 1/2 vicodin yesterday to not hurt and I still hurt and I know I'm going to have an impossible time getting more... my starbucks fell on the floor and the cup broke and it got on the floor. Why does this shit always happen to me!

The day before yesterday, Wednesday, I had a perm. I didn't know about it until I got to work and I only had 1/2 a vicodin and I didn't have any with me. I hurt so bad that day, I was so frustrated I wanted to cry. Then yesterday I had another perm. Luckily I had taken 2 vicodin before I left for work, so I didn't hurt. But later on in the day I started to hurt really bad from all that bending to do the perm. I am so mad. I feel like I'm getting nothing out of going to physical therapy, and my doctor wants to get me off of vicodin... which I don't understand b/c I have herniated disks in my back... it's not like those are just going to go away. I wish I didn't have to take any pain medication at all. I hate fucking taking pills so I can function. Vicodin for me is not addictive... for me, I'd rather have to never take it again... but I can't b/c I need it to be able to do things that normal pain free people can do normally w/o even thinking about it, like getting dressed or taking a shit.

I don't even know what I'm supposed to get when I got to physical therapy. When I go she asks me if I did my exercises, pushes around on my back, does the ultra sound treatment on my back and sometimes tests my range of motion and that's all. My doctor said that I should be getting more but didn't specify what I should get getting. My impression of physical therapy was always that they're like a personal trainer but instead of working you out, then manipulate a specific area to heal it... helping stretch it, exercise it, etc. Things you can't do on your own b/c you physically can't or you don't know how.

Hopefully when the tens machine does come I can just stick it on my hip, turn it on, and not worry about pain while I'm at work. That's the area that hurts, my right hip. Not my back where the herniated disks are, but my hip. Weather it be pinched nursers or whatever.. that's where the pain is. The disks only hurt when they're pushed on. And they severely limit me. So even though they are my source of pain, they're not where I feel the pain in my body.
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