Here's the thing...

May 11, 2006 20:47

I am soooo in love live journal! It's been forever since I've written in this thing and tonight I'm feeling the spirit. My boyfriend of nearly one year now has left for Florida for a friend's wedding. I didn't go because I couldn't afford it and I guess he just wants a guy reunion kind of... I trust him- mostly... It's hard to get past my own insecurities but for the most part I believe that he does love me with all of his heart. Yesterday he told me his loves my style. He thinks I'm pretty because of my eyes and my hair and my lips! I can just tell, there is a warmth about him that was not there for quite some time when I first got here... The relationship is still very new, but we are getting to know each other more and more... It's awesome... So tonight I'm sitting and pondering over it all because he is gone. Again...
He is in Florida for the weekend. An old friend of his is getting married this weekend. I have a busy weekend planned myself. One of walking for premature babies on Saturday. A march of dimes event here in Lancaster... Then I'm off to Redondo Beach to see my friend Allison from back east. She is super sweet.
I miss my baby though. I was thinking about the past year... Well actually, I have been habitually thinking about it and it's crazy how much life has changed once again... Youth is wasted on the young... Is that true? I heard one of my almost sixty co-workers say today that she didn't understand that phrase until she was older... Hm. I guess I'll find out. I don't want to be someone who wishes they had done things different. I want to move forward with life at a quick pace. My boyfriend and I are definitely doing just that... Speeding forward. We both know how much we love each other. I just hope sometime soon he wants to show me even more of a commitment. I never thought I would want to marry someone. Then as I started getting older I started to understand that urge for a companion to settle down with
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