Вот я, например, многого не знала. Особенно про воду.
Stop. Your kind intentions can kill a horse because you didn't know any better. Simple instructions on what to do in this situation are included here.
When people see a starving horse, often they are struck by horror and want to help.
We humans love the idea that we can “save” something and make it better.
But a severely starved creature is tricky to rehabilitate.
Something that has been in a nutritional deficit for very long takes a knowledgeable and gradual program in order to avoid a fatal condition known as “Refeeding Syndrome."
Refeeding Syndrome is a serious, potentially fatal, complication of nutritional restoration. A major cause can include low phosphorus blood levels following intake of foods high in calories or glucose or a rapid intake of water. Phosphorus depletion causes abnormalities in the cardiorespiratory system. Symptoms also develop in response to changes in potassium and magnesium levels. Rapid changes in nutritional intake can place excessive strain on the impaired heart which is then unable to maintain adequate circulation. The liver and the central nervous system are almost always affected also.
Heart of Phoenix has never lost a horse to Refeeding Syndrome and specializes in rehabilitating the severely emaciated horse.
We have never lost a horse whose sole problem was starvation.
When you see a horse suffering from severe starvation, please do not try to “help” without at least first seeking out educated assistance. Unfortunately, many vets have told us that they have not received much training on this matter, so make sure you locate a source that has a proven track record of actually seeing these rehabilitations through.
1. Do Not, Do Not, DO NOT water the horse yet.
2. Do Not feed it any type of food Whatsoever other than hay. If you cannot get hay bales you can get bagged, chopped hay from a TSC.
3. Get a salt block to the horse ASAP.
4. Get good loose minerals to the horse ASAP.
5. Call local law enforcement or animal control.
https://heartofphoenix.org/2019/10/07/the-extremely-starved-equine-our-expertise-at-hop/ https://heartofphoenix.org/2015/03/09/re-feeding-a-starving-horse/ - Why not give the animal water?
- Electrolyte derangement and/or the physical response to water once the body has gone into privation mode. If you’ve ever been super overheated and sweaty and gulped down a glass of cold water then promptly threw it back up- see the finish line of any human marathon to see this if you’ve never experienced it; horses have a one way gut- so they cannot vomit. The fresh, often cold water is a shock to the gut that can cause massive vasoconstriction and death in parts of the GI tract. It seems crazy but this post isn’t just accurate for horses- all mammals struggle to reacquaint their bodies to food and water following starvation. My boy Pudgie came from a hoarding case- rehabbing him to food and water was as complex as rehabbing him to people- maybe even harder.