So, I am going to
this on September 5th, and you have no idea how excited I am, really.
Naturally, I have to ask, is anyone else going?
Alternately, if you aren't, we need a Sydney meetup anyway. We hosted the world premiere, so I know there must be plenty of GQMF's in our fair city. Surely we can come up with something, right?
EDIT: Yay for interest!
Okay, so as for ideas of actual things to do, I have a rough list. Feel free to tell me if my ideas suck and you can think of something infinitely more GQ.
I'd suggest meeting up somewhere in the city for coffee or some such, which means we can sit about/squee/od on caffeine before moving onto whatever else we choose to do.
A visit to the opera house is in order since it became the worlds most GQMF building as of April (and looks like the starfleet insignia, thanks C.Pine) and makes a nice background for fannish shenanigans. Also,
Galaxy Books for Star Trek/other sci-fi things to spend money on.
I'm also putting forward Saturday the 22nd of August as a potential date, but I'm open to alternatives.